Sarin (GB) - A colorless liquid; its vapor is also colorless.
Eye Effect - Very high toxicity; much greater through eye than through skin. Vapor causes pupil of eye to contract; vision difficult in dim light.
Skin Effect -
LD is 1.7 g/man. Liquid does not injure skin but penetrates it rapidly. Immediate decontamination of the smallest drop is essential. Vapor penetrates skin also. Skin LCt50 of vapor is approximately 12,000 mg-min/m3 for naked man, and 15,000 mg-min/m3 for man in ordinary clothing. Physiological symptoms: same as Tabun.
Soman (GD) - A colorless liquid; its vapor is also colorless.
Eye Effect - Very high toxicity; vapor causes pupil of eye to contract, resulting in difficulty in seeing in dim light. Toxicity much greater through eye than through skin.
Skin Effect - Extremely toxic by skin absorption. Liquid does not injure skin but penetrates it rapidly. Immediate decontamination of the smallest drop is essential. Skin LCt50 of vapor is not known. Physiological symptoms: same as Tabun.
V-Agents - The standard V-agent is VX; it appears as an odorless amber colored liquid similar to motor oil.
Skin and eye toxicity - Extremely toxic by skin and eye absorption. Liquid does not injure the skin or eye, but penetrates rapidly. Immediate decontamination of the smallest drop is essential.
Rate of Action - Very rapid. Death usually occurs within 15 minutes after fatal dose is absorbed. Physiological symptoms: same as Tabun.

Blood Agents

Blood agents are absorbed into the body primarily by breathing. They affect body functions through action on the enzyme, cytochrome oxidase, thus preventing the normal utilization of oxygen by the cells and causing rapid damage to body tissue.

Hydrogen Cyanide (AC) - AC interferes with utilization of oxygen by the body by inhibition of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase. AC causes a marked stimulation of the breathing rate.
Cyanogen Chloride (CK) - The general action of CK is similar to that of AC, i.e., it interferes with the utilization of oxygen by the body tissues. However, CK differs from AC in that it has a chocking effect, has a strong irritant effect, and causes a slow breathing rate.
Arsine (SA) - SA interferes with functioning of the blood and damages the liver and kidneys. Slight exposure causes headache and uneasiness. Increased exposure causes chills, nausea, and vomiting. Severe exposure damages blood, causing anemia.

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