Systeme Intenationale d’Unités
a = are = 102 square metres = 1076.39 square feet
d = day = 86 400 seconds
°C = degree Celsius (to obtain temperature in degrees Farheneit, multiply by 1.8 and then add 32)
Ci = Curie = 37 x 109 disintegrations per second = 2.22 x 1012 disintegrations per minute (dpm)
g = gram = 10-3 kilogram = 2.204 62 x 10-3 pound
g/kt = gram per kilotonne = 0.002 pound per 103 US (short) tons
g/m3 =
gram per cubic metre = 8.345 40 x 10-6 pound per
h = hour = 3600 seconds
h- = hecto = 102 x
ha = hectare = 104 suqre metres = 10-2 square kilometre = 2.741 05 acres
J = joule = 0.238 846 calorie
J/kg = joule per kilogram = 0.108 339 calorie per pound
k = kilo = 103 x
kCi = kilocurie = 37 x 1012 disintegrations per second
kCi/kg = kilocurie per kilogram = 453.5924 curies per pound
kCi/kt = kilocurie
per kilotonne = 907.1847 curies per 103
kCi/mt = kilocurie per
magatonne = 907.1847 curies per 106
kg = kilogram = 2.204 62 pounds
kg/ha = kilogram per hectare = 0.892 179 pounds per acre
kg/kt = kilogram per
kilotonne = 2 pounds per 103
kg/m3 =
kilogram per cubic metre = 8.345 40 x 10-3 pound per
kJ = kilojoule = 103 joules = 238.846 calories
k/Jm2 = kilojoule per square metre = 238.846 calories per square metre = 0.154 094 calorie per square inch
km = kilometre = 103 metres = 0.621 371 mile
kPa = kilopascal =
9.689 23 x 10-3
kR = kiloröntgen = 103 röntgens, which see
kt = kilotonne
= 106 kilograms = 1102.31
m = metre = 3.280 84 feet
m- = milli =10-3x
m2 = square metre = 10.763 9 square feet = 1550.00 square inches
m3 = cubic metre = 103 litres =
m3/ha = cubic metre per hectare = 55.846 6 board feet per acre
mg = milligram = 10-6 kilogram = 2.204 62 x 10-6 pound
mg/m3 =
milligram per cubic metre = 8.345 40 x 10-9 pound per
min = minute = 60 seconds
mol = mole = that amount of substance which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 12 grams of 12C, that is, 602.252 x 1021 elementary entities
mm = millimetre = 10-3 metre = 0.039 370 1 inch
mmol = millimole = 10-3 mole, which see
m/s = metre per second = 3.6 kilometres per hour = 2.236 94 miles per hour
M = mega- = 106 x
MCi = megacurie = 37 x 1015 disintegrations per second
MCi/kg = megacurie per kilogram = 453.592 4 kilocuries per pound
MCi/kt = megacurie per kilotonne = 907.184 7
kilocuries per 103
MCi/Mt =
megacurie per megatonne = 907.184 7 kilocuries per 106
Ms = megasecond = 106 seconds = 11.574 1 days
Mt = megatonne = 109 kilograms = 1.102 31 x 106 US (short) tons = 0.984 207 x 106 British (long) ton. 1
μ = micro- 0 10-6 x
μg = microgram = 10-9 kilogram = 2.204 62 x 10-12 pound
μg/kg = microgram per kilogram = part per 109 parts, by weight
μg/m3 = microgram per cubic metre = 1.685 55 x 10-12 pound per cubic yard
n- = nano = 10-9 x
nm = nanometre = 10-9 metre = 39.370 1 x 10-9 inch = 10 Āngströms
Pa = pascal = 9,869 23 x 10-6 atmosphere = 145.038 x 10-6 pound per square inch
R = röntgen = a unit of X or gamma radiation exposure producing a charge of 258 x 10-6 coulomb per kilogram of air; for biota it is numerically equivalent to ca. 1 ‘rad’, a unit of ionizing radiation absorption of 10-2 joule per kilogram of body weight (Arena, 1971 : 215-218)
s = second
t = tonne = 103 kilograms = 1.102 31 US (short) tons = 0.984 207 British (long) ton
1 - The term ‘kiloton’ as used by the US Department of Defense and
other US agencies is the equivalent of 0.907 x 106 kg of TNT (4.187
x 1012 J) and its ‘megaton’ of 0.907 x 109 kg of TNT
(4.187 x 10-15 J).