Can I make a small detour? Quite interesting, just when I am a long way off finishing these pages: Putin Warns NATO Against Border Buildup --- ttp://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/112207E.shtml
Agence France-Presse reports that "President Vladimir Putin warned NATO against 'muscle-flexing' on Russia's border Tuesday and ordered top generals to raise the combat readiness of the country's nuclear missiles. Meanwhile, the armed forces chief of staff, General Yury Baluyevsky, also confirmed that Russia would suspend adherence to a key Cold War arms treaty on December 12, news agencies reported."
and... yes, Iran may soon be targeted by Mr. G. Bush in his frenzy to test the nuclear-tipped block-busters at the expenses of the Iranian population... and then??? Nuclear winter? Today is November 22, 2007.



[1] Cresson H. Kearny -NUCLEAR WAR SURVUVAL SKILLS - NWS Research Bureau.


An illustration of several ways to shore e trench in unstable earth, using various materials. A 4-piece frame (consisting of 4 poles, or 4 boards, installed as shown above) should be installed every 2,5 feet along the length of the trench, including the horizontal parts of the entryways. All parts of the shoring should be at least 2 inches below the roof poles, so that the downward forces on the roof will press only on the earth.[1]

Since the majority of structures can be destroyed by an overpressure between 10 and 5 psi generated the shockwave, every structure capable of withstanding an overpressure of at least 10 psi will be considered an efficacious shelter. Obviously, assuming an underground shelter, the entryway is a most critical element which must remain undamaged so that the shelter may remain uncontaminated and fit for use. It should allow no dust or water inside the shelter, and preferably it should be some sort of reinforced door, slant (which remains closed also through the effect of gravity) towards the ground and with a cross section at least 20 centimeters larger and higher than the entrance on all four sides, preferably with some sort of protective dome-shaped embankment around it.

© Franco Dell'Oro except the pages that do not carry this notice. Free for educational and personal use. Cannot be reproduced in print for commercial purposes.