Biological Response to Nuclear Radiation *
Estimated Dose
Range (rad)
Initial Symptoms
Onset of Symptoms
Final disposition
0-70 None to slight incidence
of transient headache
and nausea. Vomiting in
up to 5% of exposed
individuals in upper
part of dose range.
Within 6 hours. None. None. Able.
70-150 Transient mild headache
and nausea. Vomiting in up to50% of individuals.
Approximately 3
to 6 hours after
None to slight decrease
in ability to conduct
normal routine in
up to 25% of individuals.
Up to 5% of individuals
may become ineffective.
Eventual hospitalization (20
to 30 days in upper part of
dose range) required
for less than 5% in upper
part of dose range.
No deaths anticipated.
150-450 Headaches, nausea and
fatigue. Slight
incidence of diarrhea.
More than 50% of
individuals vomit.
Within 3 hours
after exposure
Can perform routine tasks.
Performance of complex
tasks may be hampered.
More than 5% of individuals
expected to become
ineffective increasing
with increasing dose.
Hospitalization (30 to 90
days) indicated for those
in the upper dose range
following a latent period
of 10 to 30 days.
Some deaths anticipated;
probably less that 5% at
lower part of dose range,
increasing to 50% toward
upper end; efficacy
questionable in upper
dose range.
450-800 Severe nausea and
vomiting. Diarrhea.
Fever early in upper
part of dose range.
Within one hour
after exposure.
Can perform simple tasks.
Significant reduction of
effectiveness in upper part of dose range. Lasts more than 24 hours.
Hospitalization (90 to 120 days for those surviving indicated for
100% of exposed individuals.
Latent period 7 to 20 days.
Approx. 50% deaths at
lower part of dose
range, increasing
toward upper end;
all deaths occurring
within 45 days
80-3,000 Severe and prolonged
vomiting, diarrhea and fever.
Approx. 1/2 to
1 hour after
Significant reduction for
physical tasks. In the upper
part of the dose range, some
will undergo a transient
period of effectiveness
followed by capability for
some response until end of
latent period.
Hospitalization indicated
for 100% of exposed
individuals. Latent
period of less than 7 days.
100% deaths occurring
within 14 days.
3,000-8,000 Severe and prolonged
vomiting, diarrhea,
fever and prostration.
Convulsions may occur
at higher doses.
Within 5 minutes
after exposure.
Will become completely
incapacitated after 5
minutes and will remain
so for 30 to 45 minutes.
Will then recover but
will be functionally
impaired until death.
Hospitalization indicated
for 100% of exposed
individuals. Latent period
of 1 or 2 days.
100% deaths occurring
within 5 days.
8,000-18,000 Severe and prolonged
vomiting, diarrhea,
fever and prostration.
Convulsions may occur
at higher doses.
Within 5 minutes
after exposure.
Will become completely
and permanently
incapacitated for
performing physical
demanding tasks within
5 minutes.
Hospitalization indicated
for 100% of exposed
individuals. No latent
100% deaths occurring
within 2 days.
Greater than
Convulsions and prostration. Within 5 minutes
after exposure.
Will become completely
and permanently
incapacitated for
performing any task
within 5 minutes.
Hospitalization indicated
for 100% of exposed
individuals. No latent
100% deaths occurring
within 15 hours.
* - Adapted from: Radiological Monograms - Command and Staff Department - US Armor School - Fort Knox - Kentucky.