Most Linux system administrators that provide FTP services will use one of two open source products: wu-ftpd or ProFTPD. The product wu-ftpd is a longtime FTP server available on all *NIX distributions, and ProFTPD is a powerful, flexible, and comprehensive FTP server that's starting to become more popular. Other admins may decide to use commercial FTP serving software in the hopes of gaining a more reliable server.

In addition, the FTP server called Very Secure FTP Daemon (vsftpd) can be used as a replacement for every FTP server on Linux. It's a fast, lightweight FTP server that's written from the ground up to ensure security, since FTP is often used as an entry point to gain unauthorized access to a server.

Compared to ProFTPD and wu-ftpd, vsftpd offers somewhat limited functionality--it's missing features such as tarring and gzipping files on the fly--but should be considered as a viable alternative. It has the ability to chroot users into their home directories, disable certain types of transfers, and allow or disallow specific users. In addition, the code base is slim and secure, which decreases the chances of finding a remote vulnerability.