When it comes to viewing network statistics, there are a number of utilities that you can use, including the Networking tab in Windows
Task Manager. Many administrators overlook this tool because the default display doesn't provide much valuable information, and administrators often don't realize that they can alter the display to get more specific details.

By default, the Networking tab's History graph only displays the total number of bytes sent and received on the connection. The only real meaningful statistic in the table is the network utilization percentage. However, you can add two more counters to the graph and a host of valuable statistics to the table. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Right-click the Taskbar and select Task Manager.

2. Select the Networking tab.

3. To add more detailed information to the history graph, go to View and open Network Adapter History. Then, enable the Bytes Sent and Bytes Received options.

4. To add more detailed statistics to the table, go to View and click Select Columns. In the Select Columns dialog box, you can add or remove any of the 25 available statistics by selecting the adjacent check box
and clicking OK.

For more information on these features, see the Networking Overview section of Task Manager's Help system.