If you've spent any time at all using UNIX, Linux, or another variation,
you're no doubt familiar with edlin, thecommand-based line-oriented
text editor included with these operating systems. If you've recently
moved to Windows from UNIX or Linux, you're probably feeling a little
lost without this helpful command. If so, you'll be happy to know
that Edlin.exe is alive and well in Windows 2000 Server.
You can find the Edlin.exe program in the %systemroot%\System32 folder
on a Windows 2000 Server installation. However, you can also start
the program from the command line by entering edlin.
To edit a file with the Edlin.exe program in Windows, open a command
console, and issue the following command:
EDLIN <file>
Replace <file> with the actual filename, whether existing or
new, that you want to edit. To get help with specific Edlin.exe subcommands
while editing a file, enter ? at the prompt.
The Edlin.exe program can come in handy. However, if you're not familiar
with its uses, you'll likely find Notepad, WordPad, or another GUI-based
text editor much easier to use.