WINDOWS 2000 PROFESSIONAL Windows XP users have the benefit of using the Msconfig.exe tool to configure a variety of settings that control startup--all from one dialog box. With Msconfig, you can choose from a normal startup, a diagnostic startup, or a selective startup, in which you specify which items the system processes during boot. You can also manage settings in System.ini, Win.ini, and Boot.ini using Msconfig. In addition, you can specify which services and startup applications Windows should load. To take advantage of Msconfig on Windows 2000, copy the executable file from a Windows XP system to your system. You'll find Msconfig.exe in the %systemroot%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries folder. You can find the Help file for Msconfig in %systemroot%\Help\msconfig.chm. There are no special steps required to run Msconfig on a Windows 2000 computer. Just copy the files to the system, and double-click Msconfig.exe. |