Thanks to the addition of a good Telnet server and a major expansion of Windows' command-line functionality, you can manage most Windows Server 2003 functions through the use of Telnet. Telnet is a program that provides text-based access to the command line of a server.

Telnet has been available on UNIX servers for years, but the more protected Secure Shell (SSH) has largely supplanted it. However, if you want a remote command-line option for your Windows server and you're working in a relatively secure environment, Telnet can fit the bill.

There are two available methods to activate Windows' Telnet Server: via the GUI or the command line.

To activate Telnet via the GUI, follow these steps:

1. Go to Start | Control Panel.

2. Open the Administrative Tools folder, and open the Services applet.

3. Right-click the Telnet service, and select Properties.

4. In the Properties dialog box, select Automatic from the Startup Type drop-down list, and click Apply.

5. Right-click the Telnet service, select Start, and click OK.

To activate Telnet from the command line, enter the following at the command prompt when logged in as administrator:

sc config TlntSvr start=auto
sc start TlntSvr