If you sometimes find it difficult to hit the Minimize\Maximize, Restore, and Close buttons at the top right of a window, use this Registry edit to resize them. The settings provided below make them longer across the title bar of a window. You may have to adjust the settings to allow for your screen resolution. Remember to make a note of your original settings (or export the Registry key before making these changes) in case you need to go back to them. Of course, before any work in the Registry Editor, remember to always back it up first.

1. Click Start | Run.

2. Type regedit and click OK.

3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics in order to start the Registry Editor.

4. Double-click on the CaptionWidth value and alter it to 40.

5. Double-click on the CaptionHeight value and alter it to -165.

6. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect and take a look at your new window title bar.