If you use a modem with your Windows 98 computer, you may be used to hearing the various beeps and groans it makes as it dials your ISP or corporate network. While these sounds provide audible confirmation that the modem is dialing (and are helpful when troubleshooting dial-up problems), they can be extremely annoying.

One way to disable the modem speaker is to slide the Speaker Volume control to Off. To get to the Speaker Volume control, right-click the icon for the dial-up connector you use, click Properties, and click the Configure button.

Unfortunately, this control doesn't work with all modems. If you run into this problem, try this technique, which works on most modems that accept standard AT commands: Navigate to the modem's properties as described above, click the Connection tab, then click Advanced. In the Extra Settings field, type ATM0. Click OK to save your changes and dial up again--this time, you shouldn't hear any modem sounds.