You can use the Createfile utility from the Windows 98 Resource Kit to create a file of a specified size. You can also combine Createfile with another Resource Kit tool, TimeThis, to determine system performance when creating files. TimeThis is a command-line utility that reports the time it takes to carry out a specific command. For example, the following command line:

timethis createfile tst 10240

would give the output:

C:\>timethis createfile tst 10240

TimeThis : Command Line : createfile tst 10240

TimeThis : Start Time : Sun Oct 10 11:58:18 1999

TimeThis : Command Line : createfile tst 10240

TimeThis : Start Time : Sun Oct 10 11:58:18 1999

TimeThis : End Time : Sun Oct 10 11:58:21 1999

TimeThis : Elapsed Time : 00:00:02.630

This reports that the time taken to create a 10-MB file in the local directory currently takes 2.63 seconds. You could run this on specific directories and servers to diagnose system problems. Once you are finished, don't forget to delete all test files.