Dial-up networking (DUN) in Windows 95/98 is normally found by navigating to Start | Programs | Accessories | Communications. In the DUN folder, you still have to double-click the necessary connector.

To quickly access DUN, you can create a shortcut to this folder on your desktop. Here's how:

1. Navigate to DUN via the Start menu, right-click, and drag it to the desktop.

2. Select Create Shortcut Here, which will leave a copy of the shortcut in the Start menu in case you accidentally delete the shortcut from the desktop.

Likewise, if you always use the same connector, you can locate it in the DUN folder and drag it to the Quick Launch toolbar or the top of the Start menu. However, this shortcut method leaves the connector in the DUN folder. You don't move the connector; you simply create a shortcut to it.

Win98 will exhibit a slightly different behavior than Win95 when you drag DUN connectors out to the desktop or to a folder. Win98 creates a dial-up networking exported file (.dun), which is actually an .ini file that contains the details necessary to start up the connection. This means that you have a true copy of the original connection.

You can edit, dial, copy to disk, or even delete the .dun file without altering the original. But if you don't change the name of the exported file and you copy it back into the DUN folder, it will overwrite any original connector of the same filename--without warning!

NOTE: Win95 OSR2 and Win95 with the DUN Update 1.2 support DUN exported files, but the default action for drag and drop is still to create a shortcut--not to export the file.