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FURTHER PROBLEMS WITH THE FONTS APPLET By incorrectly setting the attributes on the Fonts folder and if these attributes are incorrectly configured, menu commands appear to be missing from the Fonts applet in Control Panel. This same problem can be caused if the Fontext.dll file is missing or corrupt from the Windows\System folder. If Fontext.dll is missing or corrupt, then the Font applet (which is really just a folder) only displays the menus for a standard folder as it would appear in Explorer. To solve this problem, you have to go back to your original Windows installation media and use the Extract.exe program to extract a new copy of the Fontext.dll file. Additionally, a missing or corrupt Desktop.ini file in the Fonts folder may also cause Fonts menu commands to disappear. You can view the Desktop.ini file from the command line, as it is just plain text. If Desktop.ini is missing, you can also use the Extract.exe program to pull out a new copy, or you can create a new Desktop.ini file in Notepad. To create the new Desktop.ini file, open Notepad, create a new text file, and type the following two lines: [.ShellClassInfo] UICLSID={BD84B380-8CA2-1069-AB1D-08000948F534} Now save the file as Desktop.ini in the Windows\Fonts folder. To verify any of the above solutions, restart the computer. In the event that the files in question are not missing but merely corrupt, rename the original versions with the .old extension. This maintains an archive version for diagnosis of recurring problems. | ||||