Damaged or corrupted font files can stop your computer from starting NetMeeting. This is because NetMeeting checks out the fonts installed on your computer at startup so that it knows how to display fonts required by other computers during a conference.

Specifically, when NetMeeting fails to start, you receive one of the following two error messages:

"CONF caused a general protection fault in module GDI.EXE"


"CONF caused an invalid page fault in module Conf.exe"

Damaged TrueType fonts can cause these errors. In addition, specific font packages such as the HP "Fonts for the Family" is known to cause this problem. Even the Corel 4.0 Franklin Gothic Book TrueType font can stop the NetMeeting startup process.

To narrow down the offending font(s), you'll need to compare the font dates against the date of your file so you can determine which fonts were added to your computer after Windows was installed.

To do this, do a Find File for and check its date. Then open the \Windows\Fonts folder and drag the fonts that have dates later than the file into another folder.

If NetMeeting starts now, the problem is likely with one or more of the fonts you have removed from the \Fonts folder. Selectively adding them back in should allow you to narrow down which font file is causing the problem.