If you play very large .wav files on your Windows 9x computer using the standard Sound Recorder program, you may find that this causes your computer to hang. If the file is greater in size than the amount of RAM installed on your computer, Windows will hang.

This happens because Sound Recorder (Sndrec32.exe) tries to load the entire audio file into memory before playing it. For example, if your computer has 32 MB of RAM, and your .wav file is also 32 MB in size, it will not fit entirely in RAM. As a result, Sndrec32.exe fails to load the entire file and hangs Windows.

Microsoft suggests either upgrading your Windows installation to include Windows Media Player (downloadable from its Web site), or using Active Movie to play the file (if you have it installed). As it plays the file, Active Movie buffers the file in segments off the hard disk; it does not try to load the whole file into RAM. Alternately, you could install more physicaRAM.