If you try to change your NT network password from a
Windows 9x computer with the net password command, you may get the error:
"Error 59: An unexpected network error has occurred. Quit all running
programs, restart your computer, and then try again. If the problem
persists, contact your network administrator." You can avoid this error
by changing the command syntax.
Typically, users attempt to change their passwords using
the followingsyntax:
net password /domain:<domainname>
<username> <oldpassword>
This command, however, only queries the network for the
domain name with the NetBIOS [1d] suffix when the domain name with the
[1b] suffix is what is required. The happens because the nearest backup
domain controller (BDC) is contacted first, usually because it is on the
same subnet, when it is the primary domain controller that needs to be
contacted to change the password. If a BDC answers first, then the command
will fail. To work around this, change the command syntax
net password \\<servername> <username>
<oldpassword> <newpassword>
Enter the name of the PDC for