In unusual circumstances, you may need to bind more than one statically assigned IP address to a single network interface card (NIC) in a Windows 9x computer. The graphical user interface (GUI) of the Networks applet in Control Panel accepts only one IP address and associated subnet mask, but you can enter more addresses directly into the registry.

Follow these steps to assign more than one IP address via the registry:

Open the registry (Regedit.exe).

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\NetTrans\.

If the PC has only one network card, the active key should be 0000. This key should have values of IPAddress and IPMask set to the PC's current address and mask.

Add to the values in the IPaddress key by placing a comma with no extra spaces between each IP address, such as ","

Enter a subnet mask for each IP address in the IPMask key, so that pairs can be built. Separate each value with a comma and no additional spaces, such as ","

Close the registry and restart the computer.

To switch between and view the IP addresses, use the builder button in Winipcfg.exe.

NOTE: Editing the registry is risky, so be sure you have a verified backup before saving any changes.