Electrokinetic UFO - by Paul E Potter
As will be seen below he was on the right track to developing America’s first electrokinetic UFO. In the pursuit of extra ‘anti-gravity’ power Brown charged up a large sphere by streaming electrons off of a focus-rod electrode attached to a positively charged arcuate, or conical, electrode. To this large sphere he attached a rod, and at the end of the rod was connected a much smaller sphere. He realised that a much smaller sphere attached to the furthest end of the rod would be charged to the same voltage-pressure as the large sphere, but because in the laws of electrostatics of charge density being inversely proportional to radius of curvature the small sphere would attain a greatly increased density of electric charge (compared to a simple rod electrode on its own for instance). With this electronic configuration he greatly enhanced his electrokinetic, or electrogravitic, or as he later called it hydrostatic propulsion, and proved very effectively that he was able to make a metallic object defy the force of gravity. TT Brown’s reasoning behind his method of electrokinetic levitation is to be found in his US patent 3,187,206 where he says, "A force is produced in the direction of one electrode provided that electrode is of such configuration to cause the lines-of-force to converge steeply upon the other electrode. The force, therefore, is in a direction from the region of high flux density toward the region of low flux density, generally in the direction through the axis of the electrodes." And, "Broadly, the invention relates to shaping an electrical field to produce a force upon the device that shapes the field. The electrical field is shaped by the use of an electrode of special configuration whereby the electric lines-of-force are made to converge at a distance from the electrode." (see Ion Kinetics page). A more detailed description of the electrophoretic and electrohydrodynamic forces involved can be found in TT Brown's series of Electrohydrodynamic documents (see Hydrostatics (EHD) page) (and see note 17). At a Distance From The Electrode Essentially, Brown observed that the thrust came not from the
inter-action of opposite charges of high voltage between two shaped
electrodes, but that it came from the high voltage charging of the ambient
mediums surrounding the electrodes, and that if the negatively
charged ambient medium was positioned some way away from the positive
ambient medium (ie the air) then the negative part, with its electrode,
would tend to be moved toward the positively charged ambient – by
electrokinetic attraction ( The continuation of this modus operandi would be that for a craft to effectively use electrokinetic thrust it would need to strip electrons away from the largest area possible surrounding its positive electrode, and propel those electrons as fast as possible, as far away as possible (or even more precisely, as far as possible in a direction directly opposite to that required, in as confined a channel as possible, and at a velocity directly proportional to the speed and acceleration so required). Brown at one stage, using empirical data, calculated a potential difference between two such ambient fields to be as high as 15 million volts – from a small prototype ‘disc’ model with a power source of just 50 kV (see Philadelphia Experiment page). Lazar Beams Bob Lazar, of the now degraded Area-51, observed NINE different types of ufo craft (see note 18) while he was there. He has already given an explanation of how the craft he worked on, the ‘sports model’ as he chose to call it, utilized various exotic energies. Particularly interesting in his account was that when he went inside it there was a very obvious lack of sharp edges, "It was beyond being rounded, it was like it was almost melted." And… "It looked like it’s made of wax and heated for a time and then cooled off. Everything has a soft, round edge to it; there’s no abrupt changes in anything. It looked like everything was cast out of one piece." (see note 19). At the end of one of his working days at S-4 he was treated to a special viewing of one of the sports model crafts. He was very wisely told to sit down at a safe distance from the 40-foot ufo to observe it’s behaviour. "The disc sat out there for a period of time," he explained, " then the bottom of it glowed blue and it began to hiss, like high voltage does on a round sphere. It’s my impression that the reason they’re round and have no sharp edges is to contain the voltage… It lifted off the ground, quietly, except for that little hiss in the background, and that stopped as soon as it reached about twenty or thirty feet. It shifted over to the left, shifted over to the right, and set back down. I mean, it doesn’t sound like much, but it was incredibly impressive, just mind-boggling. It was just magic." (see note 20). Although I'm tentatively convinced the sport model works by propagating an electromagnetic 'gravity wave' as Lazar has alluded to in his video I more favourably believe you could use some of its fundamental characteristics to build a craft that uses 'less exotic' propulsion methods. For it seems to me that you could quite easily apply the TT Brown effect of hydrostatics to Lazar’s ufo. For instance, inside what Lazar calls the gravity amplifier heads (see Lazar Gravity page) on the upper deck would be charged-particle generators (of electrons). These particles would be pumped through a focus ring stack (what Lazar calls gravity wave guides) on the lower deck, which would be made up of alternately polarized electromagnetic rings. The purpose of each of these rings would be to focus the stream of electrons into a very tightly packed beam. This technological field might be likened to that of electron guns or travelling-wave-tubes where hollow hemispherical flux sources (HHFS), or "magic igloos" are used to create a reversing magnetic field configuration (see note 21), so as to ensure that the charged particles (ie the electrons) form into a tight beam without them repulsing out of the beam. Once the separate beams are ejected from the focus ring stacks the beams are focused together at a point some distance away from the craft, and in the same principle as the TT Brown craft the ambient medium surrounding the beams’ focal point will be charged to a negative polarity. All that is then required to provide movement is to charge up the air surrounding the top of the craft with positive charge, to summon up the electrokinetic reaction. In fact Bob Lazar does allude to this in a roundabout sort of way (see note 22), in that from the central reactor small amounts of antimatter are radiated up in a special wave through a waveguide so that the anti-electrons (positively charged electrons or positrons) in that wave burst out of the top of the tube and collide with an electrically charged ‘cloud’ of particles. And as in Dirac’s theory of the electron; when an electron encounters its opposite charged particle, the positron, they annihilate eachother – but, because energy cannot be destroyed or created the result is a transformation into an electromagnetic wave…(And that, if there is a powerful enough electromagnetic field, two opposite charges of electricity will be created from it). Presumably, there is also the possibility of a positron-avalanche where, if in the realms of anti-matter there will be the opposite equivalent of the electron-avalanche chain-reaction, which for electrokinetic reactions would be such a useful way of ‘seeding’ the ambient with electric charge with minimal energy expenditure.(see Electron Cascade Effect page). New Spheres of Knowledge The principle of 'seeding the air' electrically can also be used in two
ways, as we have already seen the ambient below the craft can be
seeded negatively and the craft (charged positively) will be forced
to move away from it; but the air above the craft can be seeded
positively resulting in a reaction the other way round - the craft
(charged negative) will be drawn toward it. The use of the latter
principle explains the propulsion system of one of the most un-ufo types
of ufo flying through our earth's airspace most recently, the orb-sphere
which, on the outside is just a round craft about 15 feet in diameter and
made out of a silvery-chrome metal with no apparent markings or methods of
propulsion - for it looks completely smooth-surfaced and perfectly
spherical ( So here we have the provision to project into the air above the craft
some sort of energy, and by the look of how all the vent-holes are angled
slightly outward it would appear that their individual
emission-beams are directed in a divergent fashion so as to especially
effect as large a volume of ambient as possible (but not so divergent as
to weaken the effect by not forming a coalescence at some finite distance
above the craft... Having said all that, and having looked at recent
developments to do with ionizing atmospheric air, the above apparency may
not necessarily be its rule of work. It may just be that these
emission-beams are directional and that to converge the beams would
give more lift while to diverge them would give less lift - after all,
what goes up has to be allowed to also come down...). The ambient being
controlled in this case would be charged positive while the actual
spherical structure of the craft would act as an accumulator of negative
charge (see note
24), and so the resulting electrokinetic effect would be just the same
in principle as a conventional TT Brown type ufo. Direction of movement is
a simple matter of controlling the ionizing power in each of the beams
(and directing them) as a composite whole. This technology of course flies
in the face of Science, that is a tad too preoccupied with Newton’s Third
Law rocket propulsion (dated 1666 AD) which always asks – how much mass is
being propelled – to create a propulsion reactive force so as to get a
displacement force…But this present time technology is so much more
enterprising and challenging. A strikingly similar procedure of pushing an electric field forward, into the direction of travel, is seen in the video-films taken of ufo's flying over Mexico City in the early 1990's. The British media showed a slowed-down section of this footage which clearly shows a 'hyper-jump' action being performed by a ufo, where a long 'tube' masses in the atmosphere a long way ahead of the craft, and after the craft hyper-jumps to it it sends forward another such 'tube' for it to jump to that, and so on until it crosses the whole sky in a matter of seconds..! Seeding the air, thats the way to travel. Lazar Phaser To reiterate then the most important working principle of the electrokinetic UFO is to get the negative ambient field as far away and as quickly away as possible from the craft (or to push the positive ambient as far away as possible) - or both. The reason why Lazar's aerodyne could have particle beam generators would be to ionize a small localised area of air (or space) at a predetermined distance ahead of it so as to produce an electric tension in the surrounding air at that distant point. For as Tesla once proved (see note 26) if a series of beams could be made to concentrate on a localised area of the atmosphere and set up an oscillating resonance in that area to a certain frequency (say to around 2 to 4 GHz where atmospheric air readily ionizes) then an electrification of that ambient would result, and depending on how much electric tension is developed there it would react upon the craft as a variable thrust force.
Indeed there is ample data to suggest that some UFO propulsion systems operate in the SHF (3-30 GHz) frequency range. In France physicists have found that the sonic shock wave ahead of mach 1+ aircraft can be nullified by the use of microwave ionization. In the United States a report from the USAF indicating that UFOs use a dual 3 GHz frequency electromagnetic power wave (see note 27) as part of their propulsion system has led researchers to an intriguing and new development in the understanding (and perhaps someday duplication) of UFO propulsion (see Propagated High Frequency Wave Propulsion page). Electromotive Vortex Energies Along similar lines to electrogravitics, or hydrostatics, (but a little earlier than TT Brown) were the concerted efforts of Viktor Schauberger and German engineers, in the 1940’s, when Europe was at war. Since the early 30’s Schauberger had been designing various machines that utilized vortex energy and had discovered through vortical hydrodynamics a way to achieve negative-friction in fluid flows, and high-power generation from spirally-rotated fluids. In the late 30’s his ingenuity was directed to free energy and levitational flight. By 1945 he had built a series of small (20 cm to 70 cm) prototypes, and had even formulated the mathematics to explain and quantify his results, with which formulas researchers have calculated that the thrust from one of his 20 cm prototypes could lift 228 tonnes (see note 30). In 1945 after yet more development a larger (50 metre) ‘flying disc’ rose to 15,000 metres in three minutes and flew at 2,200 kph. The reason why mention is made of Schauberger’s aero-craft here is because contemporary reports state that when Schauberger’s discs rose upward, they trailed a blue-green and then a silver-coloured glow around them (see note 31), and there is the account that on one occasion when powered up by mistake one of his 2.4 metre discs shot INSTANTLY into the air, even though it was bolted to a workshop bench with six bolts, and crashed into the hangar roof (see note 32)... THAT is a huge amount of thrust – and from the evidence of these and further such reports I believe that collectively these observations portray the effects of electrical polarization of the surrounding air – and that the thrust came from both air-dynamics AND electrokinetic levitation. And although it was my opinion that through the disc's inner vortical forces air was sucked into a central low pressure duct, into a vortical flow, and after the processes of implosion, atomic densation, and repulsion the expulsed air would be polarized electrically opposite from that of the bulk of their metallic discs, I rather favour now the idea that the Schauberger-type discs brought about a massive change in the air's density above the discs. Accordingly it is mechanically relatively simple to create a low-density zone above the craft by the Implosion technology Schauberger discovered and for the flying disc to be dragged upwards by a density differential created above and below the craft.
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