Gravity -- The Space Quantum Theory

As per the SQT, the space quantum has both a positive and negative force operating from a zero-point-frequency energy field. The negative force, called gravity, is a pressure force due to the expansion of the universe that holds all mass together. While the secondary space quantum action, the compressed units returning to their neutral state after being provoked by the expansion factor, is the positive force. This positive force I called the impetus force, it moves all units of mass and energy through the space quantum field, which I call the spacetronic field for short. From one expansion cycle to the next constitutes one second of TIME. Both fields are created by the expansion-contraction cycle. Together they form the action quauntum know as Plancts's constant 'h'. These are forces that propell light through the universe and are the cause for Newton's apple to fall to the earth.

The information below proves that my idea of the Space Quantum Theory is correct!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, a physicist in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and in the new field of stochastic electrodynamics (SED) is currently pursuing experimental studies to ascertain whether or not there is tappable "excess" energy in the vacuum as predicyed by the SQT. Dr. Puthoff and his associates using a "condensed charge technology device" indicate that the vacuum indeed has significant "excess" energy that is tappable, as predicted.

The heat generation observed in several "cold fusion" experiments was not fusion, rather it was vacuum energy extraction. This explains why any anomalous heat generation was not accompanied by a neutron and radiation signature indicating nuclear fusion.

The existence of an actual vacuum was a subject of debate among scientists from Aristotle into the twentieth century. Since light, magnetic fields and heat all travel through a vacuum, something must be in space to provoke such action. The electro-magnetism of Maxwell called for the existence of an ether. Various experiments were developed to detect this ether, of which the most famous was the Michelson-Morley experiment, which failed to find it. Finally, in 1905, Einstein banished the ether by means of special relativity and allowed the true vacuum to exist, which I call the spacetronic field. Physicists now call it "quantum vacuum." I refer to this as the spacetronic field as being an active field of energy differing from the fields of mass and the electromagnetic energy that operates by modulating spacetronic field, which field acts as their carrior wave.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle of 1927 led particle physicists to predict that particles would arise spontaneously from the vacuum, so long as they disappeared before violating the uncertainty principle. The quantum vacuum is a very active place, with all sorts of virtual particles appearing and disappearing. Careful experiments have demonstrated that the quantum theorists are correct in this interpretation of the vacuum... Furthermore, starting in 1980 with the theory of the inflationary universe, particle physicists have told us that the entire universe was created as a 'false vacuum', a quantum vacuum that has more energy in its nothingness than it should. The decay of that particular vacuum to an ordinary quantum vacuum produced all the mass in the universe and started the evolution of our world.

Modern physical theory, specifically quantum electrodynamics (QED), tells us that the vacuum can no longer be considered a void. This is due to the fact that, even in the absence of matter, the vacuum is neither truly particle nor field free, but is the seat of virtual particle-pair (e.g. electron-positron) creation and annihilation processes, as well as (ZPF) of such fields as the vacuum electrodynamic field.

There is, however, no question but that the zero-point-fluctuation (ZPF) fields lead to real, measurable physical consequences. One example is the very real Casimir force, an experimentally-verified ZPF-induced attractive quantum force between closely-spaced metal or dielectric plates. An elegant analysis by Milonni, et al., at Los Alamos National Laboratory shows that the Casimir force is due to radiation pressure from the background electrodynamic zero-point energy which has become unbalanced due to the presence of the plates, and which results in the plates being pushed together due to the expansion pressure. Other effects, the Lamb shift, the van der Waals chemical binding forces and quantum field mechanisms underlying the gravitational interaction, and spontaneous emission, all predicted by the SQT.

In quantum theory, an oscillator will always retain a finite amount of 'jiggle', the average energy associated with this residuum of motion, the so-called zero-point energy, is given by:E = hw/2, where 'h' is Planck's constant (h=6.626196e-34 joule/sec) and 'w' [really 'omega'] is the frequency of oscillation. It is the presence of such ZPF 'noise' that can never be gotten rid of, no matter how perfect the technology, that sets a lower limit on the detectability of electromagnetic signals.

If we now consider the universe as a whole as constituting a giant cavity, then we approach a continuum of possible modes (frequencies, directions) of propagation of electromagnetic waves. Again, even in the absence of overt excitation, quantum theory has us assign an E = hw/2 to each mode.

First, the frequency behavior is seen to diverge as w^3. Therefore, we are justified in assuming a high-frequency cutoff, and arguments based on the requirements of general relativity place this cutoff near the Planck frequency (~10^-33 cm). elementary particles do not form a really basic starting point for the description of nature. Instead, they represent a first-order correction to "vacuum physics." As high as this value is, one might think that the vacuum energy would be easy to observe. Although this is true in a certain sense (it is the source of quantum noise), by and large the homogeneity and isotropy (uniformity) of the ZPF distribution prevent naive observation, and only departures from uniformity yield overtly observable effects.


With parallel, non-charged conducting plates set a distance D apart, only those (electromagnetic) modes which satisfy the plate boundary conditions (vanishing tangential electric field) are permitted to exist. In the interior space this constrains the modes to a discrete set of wavelengths for which an integer number of half-wavelengths just spans the distance D. In particular, no mode for which a half-wavelength is greater than D can fit; as a result, all longer-wavelength modes are excluded, since for these wavelengths the pair of plates constitutes a cavity below cutoff. The constraints for modes exterior to the plates, on the other hand, are much less restrictive due to the larger spaces involved. Therefore, the number of viable modes exterior is greater than that interior. Since such modes, even in vacuum state, carry energy and momentum, the radiation pressure inward overbalances that outward, and detailed calculation shows that the plates are pushed together with a force that varies as 1/D^4. Since in this case the Casimir energy derives from the vacuum, the process constitutes the conversion of vacuum energy into heat, and is no more mysterious than in the analogous gravitational case.

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