Psychosomatic Medicine: "The Puzzling
Leap" |
Un Leçon Clinique à la Salpêtrière, 1887. André
Jean-Martin Charcot demonstrating in a clinical
lecture to his colleagues at the Salpêtrière, a large hospital in
Paris, that the symptoms of hysteria were as real as those of any
organic disease. |
In spite of this
widespread attitude, by the 1840s and 1850s hysteria was a serious
subject in medical textbooks and in separate, often massively
detailed studies. One of the most remarkable of these was the
800-page Traité Clinique et Therapeutique de L'Hysterie published in
1859 by Pierre Briquet, which presented data derived from 430
hysterical patients observed at a Paris hospital over a ten-year
period. 17
Jean-Martin Charcot, the famous French clinician celebrated
for his elucidation of organic neurological syndromes, also turned
his attention to hysteria. In the 1870s, Charcot followed Briquet's
lead in studying hundreds of hospital patients in an attempt to
specify its precise symptomatology and clinical course. 18
Daumier (1808-1879) Le malade imaginaire
Even as some doctors defended the idea of
"neuroses" --nervous diseases without apparent organic cause
--others remained suspicious. Weren't neurotic disorders better
thought of as the imaginary diseases of tiresome patients looking
for attention? |
The next major stage in
the unfolding of the relationship between emotions and disease began
with the deeper exploration of one of the neuroses: hysteria. This
complex disorder was long known in medicine but not until the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was it seriously associated
with the nervous system or emotional causation. Until that time it
was regarded as of uterine origin, as its name implies (from the
Greek "hystera" = uterus). 16
In the seventeenth century, Thomas Willis thought that
hysterical disorders were primarily convulsive consequences of "the
brain and nervous stock being affected." Famous clinician Thomas
Sydenham said that they were caused by "irregular motions of the
animal spirits," which were frequently precipitated by "some great
commotion of mind, occasioned by some sudden fit, either of anger,
grief, terror or like passions." In the eighteenth century, Robert
Whytt acknowledged that these disorders may mimic almost any common
somatic condition in a "chameleon"-like or "protean" fashion, and
may be triggered by intense "imagination," as when a patient falls
into convulsive fits upon seeing someone in an epileptic seizure.
Because of the extraordinarily varied nature of their symptoms and
the suspected role of the emotions, patients suffering from hysteria
and related "functional neuroses" were often thought by both
physicians and lay people to be experiencing merely "imaginary
diseases," as clearly depicted by the artist Honoré Daumier.
ca. 1900.
People said that the camera was as crucial to
Charcot's objective study of hysteria as the microscope was to
histology. |
Charcot's goal was to
discover regularity and pattern amidst the confusing welter of
hysterical symptoms. He wanted to show that despite its often
dramatic appearances, hysteria was not merely "protean" but a solid
clinical entity with recurrent and universal features, just like the
anatomically-based neuropathological conditions he had previously
studied. With the help of meticulous, long-term observation and the
innovative use of the photographic camera, Charcot determined and
extensively depicted several characteristic and general phases of
the hysterical disorder. He insisted that "nothing occurs at random
but, on the contrary, all follows certain well-determined rules
which are common to cases seen in both hospital and private
practice." 19
Later Charcot introduced hypnotism as both an experimental
and therapeutic technique to explore other strange phenomena
manifested by hysterical patients and also as a potential key to
unlocking the underlying neurophysiological and possibly
psychogenic, trauma-related mechanisms of the hysterical neurosis.
Bourneville and Paul Regnard
Iconographie Photographique de la
Salpêtrière, Paris, 1877-1880
At the Salpêtrière, doctors photographed and
catalogued the supposed organic markers of hysteria. Charcot claimed
that the resulting record of symptoms was "valid for all countries,
all times, all races, " and "consequently universal."
Sigmund Freud Sidney
Breuer and Sigmund Freud, Studies on Hysteria, New
York, 1957.
Studies on Hysteria included the famous case
study of "Anna O." |
But obsessional neurosis, in which the
puzzling leap from the mental to the physical plays no part, has
actually, through the efforts of psycho-analysis, become more
perspicuous and familiar to us than hysteriam and we have learnt
that it displays certain extreme characteristics of the nature of
neurosis far more glaringly.
Sigmund Freud
The Standard
Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of
Sigmund Freud,
1916-1917 |
Young Sigmund Freud
studied with Charcot in Paris during the winter of 1885-1886 and was
deeply impressed by his ideas. Freud had already been alerted to the
bizarre phenomena of hysteria and to the linkages with hypnosis by
the Viennese physician Josef Breuer. Breuer had told Freud about a
patient ("Anna O.") whose strange hysterical symptoms he treated in
1880-1882 by inducing hypnotic states and systematically leading her
back to the onset of each symptom. Once the patient re-experienced
the original circumstances with a display of emotion, the
corresponding hysterical symptom disappeared. Freud's study with
Charcot gave him a theoretical framework to understand what Breuer
had told him. When he returned to Vienna, he and Breuer began a
close collaboration publishing their joint Studies on Hysteria in
1895. They hypothesized that hysterical symptoms derive from
undischarged "memories" connected to "psychical traumas." These
memories originated when the nervous system was in a special
physiological condition or "hypnoid state"; they then remained cut
off from consciousness. Hysterical symptoms resulted from the
"intrusion of this second state into the somatic innervation," a
mind-to-body process Freud and Breuer called "conversion."
Tensions and
differences steadily separated Freud from Breuer. Breuer pursued
physiological hypotheses and the continued use of hypnotic
techniques. Freud moved in the direction of psychological mechanisms
and the abandonment of hypnosis. As Freud's ideas further matured,
he developed a novel set of theories and techniques that he called
"psychoanalysis." He introduced revolutionary theoretical concepts
such as "unconscious" mental states and their energetic
"repression," the widespread occurrence of infantile sexuality, and
the symbolic encoding of psychological meaning in dreams and
hysterical symptoms. Freud also stressed the investigative
techniques of "free association" and dream interpretation, two
methods for overcoming "resistance" and uncovering hidden
unconscious wishes without using hypnosis. He thus shifted away from
Charcot's observational approach to an even more revolutionary one:
he substituted listening to patients for looking at them.
W. Salmon
The Care and Treatment of Mental Diseases
and War Neuroses ("Shell Shock") in the British Army, War Work
Committee of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, New York,
1917 |
The strong
psychogenetic explanation of hysterical symptoms remained a key
feature of Freud's mature work and of later psychoanalysis. In his
Introductory Lectures of 1916-1917, he promoted the notion of
conversion as a "puzzling leap from the mental to the physical" and
continued to describe hysterical symptoms as symbolic
representations of unconscious emotional conflicts. During World War
I, Freud's ideas about the emotional origins of hysterical symptoms
were often applied to shell-shock and other "war neuroses." Soldiers
displaying such somatic symptoms as paralysis, muscular contracture,
and loss of sight, speech, and hearing for which no organic bases
could be found came to be regarded, as in Thomas Salmon's book, as
suffering from conversion hysteria. 21
In these cases, psychogenic explanation focused on
unconscious conflicts between "fear" and "duty" with a resulting
"flight into illness." |
Groddeck (1866-1934), The Book of the It, New York,
Groddeck's Book of the It--that helped
inspire Freud's own concept of the "id"--claimed that all physical
illnesses are produced by the unconscious mind. |
In the 1920s and 1930s
conversion hysteria gained popularity as a general medical notion,
as psychoanalysts joined internists and other physicians in
exploring the meaning of hysterical symptoms. Particularly
influential were the Austrian Felix Deutsch, the American Smith Ely
Jelliffe, and, most provocatively, the German Georg Groddeck, all
physicians and pioneer psychoanalysts. 22
Groddeck was a forceful proponent of the view that the psychological
mechanism for hysterical conversion could be generalized to the
entire range of somatic disease. 23
He argued in The Book of the It that symptoms in any organic
disorder could be interpreted like hysterical symptoms, as symbolic
expressions of unconscious wishes manifested in the patient's body.
Medicine, September-October 1959.
| |
Helen Flanders Dunbar (1902-1959). A Dante scholar,
theologian and medical doctor, Dunbar hoped psychosomatic medicine
would integrate the treatment of spirtual, emotional and physical
suffering into a single framework. |
Helen Flanders Dunbar, Emotions and Bodily
Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships,
1910-1933, New York, 1935
The émigré
psychoanalyst Franz Alexander tried to work out a compromise between
physiology and Freudian theory. 24
Soon after his arrival in the United States from Europe in
the early 1930s, he repudiated the approach taken by Groddeck and
like-minded analysts. He carefully distinguished between classic
conversion hysteria and what he called "organ neuroses," those
disturbances of organic function controlled physiologically by the
autonomic nervous system (where unconscious symbolic processes are
not present). According to Alexander, Groddeck and others had erased
a boundary that needed to be carefully redrawn. They had interpreted
everything too psychologically and had ignored the automatic
physiological mechanisms that substantially controlled the
expression of emotion as the body responded to stressful stimuli.
But still faithful to the psychoanalytic tradition, Alexander also
identified specific unconscious wishes and infantile desires (for
example, the unconscious wish to be fed) in the "psychic stimuli"
that he said precipitated specific chains of physiological response
and, ultimately, specific somatic diseases.
Alexander's theoretical
formulations helped stimulate serious psychosomatic research in the
United States. He organized a group of investigators from various
clinical and laboratory disciplines at the Chicago Institute of
Psychoanalysis, and additional research groups soon developed
elsewhere. Prominent among these groups was one led by Stanley Cobb
at the Massachusetts General Hospital. 25
In addition, Helen Flanders Dunbar at the Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center in New York City produced a pioneering monograph,
Emotions and Bodily Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic
Interrelationships, which synthesized recent research findings and
in its subtitle gave the growing American movement a name. In 1939,
Psychosomatic Medicine was founded as the first medical journal
devoted specifically to publishing research in this expanding area
of investigation. |
Grinker and John P. Spiegel,
Men under Stress, Philadelphia,
Blackiston, 1945 |
Roy Grinker and John P. Spiegel, War
Neuroses in North Africa: the Tunisian Campaign (January-May,
1943). Prepared and distributed for the Air Surgeon, Army Air
Forces by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, New York, September,
1943. |
World War II
accelerated the growth of psychosomatic medicine even further. As in
World War I, many soldiers displayed the symptoms of shell-shock and
its debilitating variants, but during this war the American Armed
Forces mobilized psychiatrists and others trained in psychosomatic
medicine to help with the problem. 26
Roy R. Grinker's and John P. Spiegel's War Neuroses in North
Africa: The Tunisian Campaign is an indication of wartime concerns;
their expanded edition, Men Under Stress, contributed to the
heightened postwar enthusiasm for psychosomatic medicine, as did the
famous director John Huston's film for the Armed Forces about combat
veterans recovering from psychosomatic disorders, Let There Be
Light. |
Interest in
psychosomatic medicine in the late 1940s and in the 1950s became so
intense, in fact, that the scientific literature multiplied rapidly,
medical schools created new instructional programs, and textbooks
such as Edward Weiss's and Spurgeon English's Psychosomatic Medicine
found an eager audience among a whole generation of medical
students. In addition, Franz Alexander supplemented his numerous
professional writings with a popular general text that was as widely
read in non-medical as in medical circles and as influential through
its diagrams as through its accessible prose. Psychosomatic medicine
was so much the "rage" at mid-century that popular magazines ran
articles by the score and psychosomatic theories even found their
way into the lyrics of a popular Broadway show.