Something from Nothing Revisited - 04/04/01
written for KeelyNet by Jerry W. Decker - free to
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since April 6th,
Most mainstreamers have the erroneous conception that alternative science
fans, experimenters and researchers are looking to 'create' something from
nothing in order to provide power necessary to run their perpetual motion
machines or free energy devices.
The majority of people I know and communicate with are seeking one
thing, a working free energy or gravity control device. Something we all can
see, test, build (or buy) and use to make all of our lives easier.
It gets ever more tedious having to explain and correct people who
write or call in, calling me and others who think along similar lines flakes,
fools, idiots or other choice insults.
They haven't bothered to study the very subjects they are ranting
against, they haven't bothered to ask questions, follow any discussions or
read any documents relating to the subject. Yet they have no problem writing
rude or insulting letters, full of ad hominem attacks, believing themselves to
be the possessor of all that is right and true.
Where does the error lie?
I've often thought of writing up a webpage explaining it in terms and
analogies the 'critics' can understand, so that is what this page is
attempting to do.
This paper is intended to address four key points which I consider as
the basis for all energy production;
1) the concept of aether/zpe
2) creation of energy from
3) thermodynamics
4) conversion
the 'Lost Aether' now called ZPE (zero point energy)
Purists prefer the term Aether but I think the term should be used
interchangeably with the newer ZPE, also called the spacetime metric or vacuum
energy. It is spelled with an A to avoid confusion with the chemical ether.
Much like the popular 'Browns' gas' which was essentially stolen from
Dr. Rhodes who
patented it in 1966 and has continued with additional
research, I think the cleanest, most rational thing to do at this late
stage is to call it 'Hydroxy gas' as used during WWII and earlier.
Because of such confusions, I choose to use the term Aether in
combination to form 'Aether/ZPE' and so include the old and the new.
In a nutshell, aether/zpe is the energetic 'quantum foam' of space. It
permeates and sustains the universe. It pops in and out of existence in a
ceaseless 'jitter' and in its wake produces the effect of gravity, other
energies and the localizations (precipitations of energy) that produce matter.
Just as E=MC^ where matter can be exploded to produce immense forces, so too
can energy be coalesced and precipitated to produce matter.
It has been detected by Casimir as an immense pressure by the forces
exerted on two dielectric plates and erroneously described as an 'attraction'
as extracted from this
rectifying chaos file;
The Casimir force is a short range attraction between any two
objects caused by...electromagnetic fluctuations in the vacuum. ... any two
plates, whether conductor or dielectrics, would experience a fourth power
force law ... also proportional to the dielectric constant of the plates.
The equations are only valid down to a separation distance
proportional to the minimum wavelength at which the plates are still a good
conductor or the dielectric constant is not unity. For distances closer than
that ... attractive force will ... increase ... at a rate proportional to
the third power of the separation distance. ...
The closest separation distance ...[that has been attained is 14
Angstroms]... (about five atoms) with two crossed cylinders of mica....
...the measured force between the two mica cylinders was over ten
tons per square meter!
I won't belabor the explanation of aether/zpe with all the
information available on the net but I do want to make one other point.
Nature seeks equilibrium. When equilibrium is disturbed, it produces
polarization, a separation into two distinct forces, a positive - pressure
wave and a negative - vacuum wave, both of which seek to rejoin in order to
achieve an equilibrium that matches the ambient environment.
Whenever you have polarities, you have a gradient for each polarity.
This gradient can be thought of as having the greatest inensity on the outside
of the wave where it is furthest from the ambient zero reference.
Gravity decreases as you ascend from the earth. In this case, it means
it is strongest nearest the earth. Therefore, you have a gradient which can be
tapped to use the gravity increase over distance (height) to produce work.
Aether/ZPE being omnipresent also has densities that are gradients. The
Casimir plates do not push together when even an inch apart, but place them
within 14 angstroms and the pushing of the ambient ZPE forces them together
with a pressure of 10 tons per square meter as earlier quoted.
Do not tons convert to pressure? Can we not take advantage of this
pressure as Maclay is attempting
under the auspices of his $300,000 NASA grant?
There is a new science coming which will revolutionize the world in
ways we cannot now imagine.
the Creation of Energy error
This first issue deals with the commonly held consensus that we seek;
Something from Nothing
and are attempting to create energy.
The standard erroneous statement made by orthodox science goes as far back
as Newton where Sir Isaac Newton once observed:
"The seekers after perpetual motion are trying to get something
from nothing."
To my view and in my communications with many others, nothing could be
further from the truth. No one that I have ever communicated with has ever
suggested that energy was being created.
Instead, many of us believe it is possible to extract energy from the
repulsion/attraction of magnetism, from gravity and from the omnipresent
But let us not limit our seeking to just 3 sources, but expand it to
include ANY ENERGY OR FORCE GRADIENT, knowing that the polarities, when placed
in the proper arrangement, MUST COMBINE to create the natural condition of
As the polarities move to recombine, we intend to guide them through
the wheelwork of our machinery to do practical work. It also might be possible
to tap into the force which causes the equilibrium disruption in the first
place since there is an expansion and a collapse cycle to any equilibrium
'Irreversible Entropy' and 'Closed Systems'
The two major errors made by modern science is sticking to the BELIEF in
the 1st and 2nd 'laws' of thermodynamics;
The 1st
law states;
The total energy, including heat, in a (closed) system is
By ``closed'', we mean a system that is completely cut-off, or
insulated from its surroundings, so that no material or energy enters or
The 2nd law
...for a spontaneous process, there is a net increase in
The second law is possibly the most misunderstood scientific
principle. The two most obvious misuses are;
1. Perpetual motion machines
2. The statement "Evolution
is impossible since entropy can't decrease".
With regard to point #1;
there IS no closed system possible with materials and forces currently
available (at least publicly) that can prevent the passage of aether/zpe and
GRAVITY into the so-called 'closed' system,
ergo, additional forces from outside the box and which pass into and
through the box are necessarily injecting extra energy INSIDE the box which
can be intercepted and converted to add energy to the closed system.
Can anyone deny that gravity permeates the box? If it did not, the box
would float off into space with nothing to hold it down. Would it not follow
that an aether/zpe would also permeate the closed system?
We must learn to CONVERT or TRANSLATE that additional energy
(aether/zpe, gravity, whatever) into a form that we can use, i.e, mechanical,
electric, etc..
This is what many so-called perpetual motion and free energy machines
do and which many of us at KeelyNet are trying to replicate for practical use
With regard to point #2 under the 2nd law, the claim states there is
ALWAYS a net INCREASE in entropy which drags the system down into chaos and
causes it to eventually stop, meaning entropy is irreversible, there CAN BE NO
restorative, rejuvenating force.
Under currently undefined conditions, it should be possible to adjust
the performance characteristics of a system so the operation involves the
least possible resistance as well as taking advantage of the introduction (and
conversion to other forms) of outside energy (per 'law' #1) in the form of
gravity, aether/zpe, etc..
To my view, it appears everything keys into a wave or motion where one
half of that wave or motion is positive, under 'pressure' and adds power, the
other side is negative, has 'vacuum' and extracts power.
If the energy is already separated from the natural state of
equilibrium, then most of our work is DONE. Why? Because it is the RECOMBINING
of these polarities back to a state of equilibrium that will provide the
'work' we can use to carry out practical applications.
In the case of gravity, it already has a gradient so is immensely
available for tapping under the right configuration. In the case of
aether/zpe, which pops into and out of existence, we need to learn to detect
its appearance and capture it. This might be possible to capture as the
original unknown force that separates the vacuum in the first place as well as
the collapse of the wave back to its state of equilibrium.
When you think about an expansion wave versus a collapsing wave, there
might be properties quite opposite each other and which deal with the claims
of a 'cold current' where sparking wires produce frost and circuits tapping
this form of energy produce cold in the local area. However, that is beyond
the scope of this paper.
With aether/zpe, it is a matter of rectification of the energy as it
appears and begins to collapse. This can be tapped to produce mechanical or
electrical forces, where the separated, polarized energies can be guided into
a single form of either pure positive or pure negative. This is dealt with in
my paper on rectifying
Conversion vs Creation
Now for the crux of all this verbiage, the contention that free energy
enthusiasts claim to create something from nothing.
That is an error. We are trying to CONVERT gravity and other ambient
forces into mechanical and/or electrical energy that can do work. Its not such a brain stretcher. In fact,
WE DEPEND ON CONVERSION from one form of energy to another in our everyday
lives, for some examples, we;
1) convert the motion of a magnetic field past a copper coil
into electrical current
2) convert wind energy to electrical energy or
mechanical force
3) convert water energy to electrical energy or
mechanical force
4) convert geothermal energy to electrical energy or
mechanical force
5) convert gasoline and other combustibles to explosive
force or to heat or to light
6) nature converts sunlight and heat into
life itself with the right mix of nutrients
None of these produce 'something from nothing', it is the CONVERSION of
something to something ELSE. From one form of energy to another form of
Is it so hard to comprehend the CONVERSION of gravity, aether/zpe or
other gradients into other useful forces???
One bugaboo we face is proving the existence of aether/zpe in a
practical, reproducible and simple experiment that anyone can do and which
will undeniably show the presence of aether/zpe.
That does not apply to gravity which one day we will learn to tap when
we discover how to overbalance a wheel as Johannes Bessler did or when we learn
to reduce the intensity of gravity under one half of a wheel so it will be continually
over-balanced and 'fall into itself'.
There is no question gravity is a force and we do in fact tap it
through the flow of water over a dam to produce mechanical power converted to
electrical current in hydroelectric installations.
The overbalancing principle used by Bessler and probably others is the
key to the whole thing.
It is important to bear in mind that with an influx of energy from
space such as gravity, there must be a gradient as it increases with proximity
to the earth. Where there is a gradient there is a difference of potential.
When there is a difference of potential, you have the natural flow of the two
potentials trying to rejoin to re-establish equilibrium. In this case it is
the attraction of gravity towards the earth. It is the force exerted by nature
in 'her' attempt at regaining equilibrium that we must learn to tap.
Since there is a natural overbalance due to the gradient,
...if we can lower the resistance of the recovery side of the circuit
or design a level less than the additional energy imparted from the
pressurized side of the gradient,
...then we achieve first unity, then overunity.
We have the Casimir effect to show the pressure of aether/zpe to the
tune of 10 tons per square meter, a tremendous amount of energy that forces
the dielectric plates together. This should be capable of 'conversion' to
produce work as practical applications.
Lambertsons WIN cell, at least the samples I saw, use a rubbery
insulator looking something like silicone caulk so that the plates slap
together from the pressurized high side of the wave, then when the vacuum
release side of the wave comes into play, the rubber pushes the plates apart
to 'recock' or 'reload' it for the next pressure wave that again collapses it.
The machines that will present a problem requiring very long term
monitoring and measurement are those like Bedinis and the Gray motor which use
very little electrical energy to get a large mechanical force, thus extending
the life of the battery far longer than is normal.
John Bedini
says he has machines in his basement that have been running for years on a
single battery...he says Bearden visited once and accidentally bumped into a
battery which had been running a machine for years, the battery fell apart and
was dried out inside, but the machine kept running....ask him, he'll tell you
that himself.
The bottomline is the device must produce sufficient energy to recharge
the driving circuit, otherwise over a very long period of time it will run
down as it proves out to be an extended pendulum effect where a clockspring,
once wound will eventually run down unless it can somehow rewind itself,
something that every branch of physics says cannot happen due to the 1st and
2nd laws.
In Bedinis case, as I understand it, the battery is recharged in a
negentropic, negative resistance effect peculiar to his machines.
Research done by Prigogine and others in the fields of chaos theory,
criticality, dissipative structures and self-organizing fields are shedding
light on how such processes work which will I think become key design
components when the first reproducible self-running free energy circuit is
publicly released and duplicated worldwide.
One final comment, some think simple experiments are wasted time,
effort, money and resources. They take the approach that 'its all been done
before' and so is well understood, therefore don't bother doing experiments,
don't tinker, don't try anything that hasn't been proven.
Another frequent comment is what good are 'anomalies', tiny effects
that have no possible use. What good is running a magnet past a wire because
it only produces a tiny current? Has that not been scaled up with bigger
magnets and more coils to produce massive electrical power?
What good is burning a few drops of gasoline or oil only useful for
lighting? Has that kind of thinking not been disproven by exploding the
expanded gas or oil in a closed cylinder to transport our nation?
There are of course, many more obvious 'anomalies' which have changed
the world by perceptive people willing to experiment, share and expand on what
has been found.
Many of our most useful processes resulted from these simple, useless
anomalies. For that reason, KeelyNet has always urged people to experiment
wherever possible, even repeating supposedly 'known' experiments with the
possibility you might experience something no one else noticed, or you might
build your own version of a 'known' experiment that could well produce an
interesting anomaly which could be scaled up for the next big discovery. If
nothing else, you are building up your equipment, skills and understanding
that will help you with future projects and experiments.
So before you write an email criticizing 'free energy' seekers, you
might also write the providers and users of windpower, solar power,
hydroelectric, geothermal and anyone who drives a car, mows a lawn or runs a
magnet past a coil to produce electrical current, since they are producing
energy from nothing and need to be corrected with your 'laws'.
Your (Mostly) Dead Predecessors
"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." (Lord Kelvin,
president, Royal Society, 1895)
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." (Thomas
Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943)
"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their
home." (Ken Olsen, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp.,
"The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as
a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."
(Western Union internal memo, 1876)
"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." (Marshal
Ferdinand Foch, French commander of Allied forces during the closing months of
World War I, 1918)
"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would
pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" (David Sarnoff's associates,
in response to his urgings for investment in radio in the 1920's)
"Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and
reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to
react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools."
(New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work,
"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" (Harry M. Warner, Warner
Brothers, 1927)
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." (Charles H. Duell,
commissioner, US Office of Patents, 1899)
"The [flying] machine will eventually be fast; they will be used in
sport, but they are not to be thought of as commercial carriers." --Octave
Chanute, aviation pioneer, 1904.
"The ordinary 'horseless carriage' is at present a luxury for the
wealthy; and although its price will probably fall in the future, it will
never come into as common use as the bicycle." --The Literary Digest, 1889.
"[It] is, of course, altogether valueless.... Ours has been the first,
and will doubtless be the last, party of whites to visit this profitless
locality." --Lt. Joseph D. Ives, Corps of Topographical Engineers, 1861, on
the Grand Canyon.
"Landing and moving around on the moon offer so many serious problems
for human beings that it may take science another 200 years to lick them."
--Science Digest, August, 1948.
"X rays are a hoax." "Aircraft flight is impossible." "Radio has no
future." --Physicist and mathematician Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." --Thomas
Watson, Chairman, IBM, 1943.
"The bomb will never go off, and I speak as an expert in explosives."
--Adm. William Leahy, U.S. Atomic Energy Project, 1945.
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." --Popular
Mechanics, 1949.
"We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out."
--Decca Recording Co., in rejecting the Beatles, 1962.