
Feverfew Herb Tanacetum Parthenium

Therapeutic profile: an anti-inflammatory and vasodilating herb particularly useful as a remedy and preventive for migraines headaches. Primary uses: as specific in the treatment of migraines; as part of a formula to relieve arthritic inflammmation; secondary uses: as part of a relief combination for painful or sluggesh menstruation; as part of a formula for tinnitus or vertigo.NOTE; DO NOT USE WHEN PREGNANT AS THIS HERB MAY START UTERINE CONTRACTIONS.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

A Valuable herb in the treatment of migraine headaches as well as relieving some of the accompanying symptoms such as nausea, depression, and arthritic pain due to inflammation. Feverfew may also help ease dizziness, tinnitus, arthritis in its active inflammatory stage, and painful or sluggesh menstruation. CAUTION: DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY BECAUSE OF THE STIMULATING ACTION ON THE WOMB.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

Relieves headaches, arthritis, indigestion,colds, fever and muscle tension. Eliminates worms, Stimulates the appetite, increases fluidity of lung and bronchial tube mucus, stimulates uterine contractions and promotes menses.(Source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch,M.D. & Phyllis A. Balach, C.N.C.)

Feverfew preparations are derived from the leaves and flowers of a bushy perennial (tanacetum parthenium) and used chiefly as a remedy for migraine headaches. Clinical trials in Britain indicate that a dosage of 50 to 100mg daily of the dried leaves effectively prevents or significantly decreases the severity of migraine attacks for many people. Herbalist also use feverfew for its anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of arthritis, as an antispasmodic to relieve menstrual cramps, and (as the name implies)a febrifuge. It is sold dried and in capsules, concentrated drops. tictures, and extracts.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

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Fo-Ti-Tieng Root - ploygonium Multiflorum, (Ho-Shou-Wu)

Therapeutic profile:a liver and blood tonic for restoring energy and vigor. Primary uses: as part of a liver, kidney and general organ strengthening formula, particularly where there is exhaustion and severe deficiency; secondary uses: as a counter measure to many of the effects of aging, such as loss of hair color, and muscle tone.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Fo-Ti is astringent and helps treat conditions such as nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, or leukorrhea. It also tones the liver and kidneys as well as the blood.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

Fo-Ti is one of the most widely used Chinese tonic herbs. It is derived from the root of a weedy, twinning vine (Polygonum multiforum)in the buchweat family. It is famous as a rejuvenating and longevity tonic in China, where it is taken to prevent premature aging, increase fertility, and maintain youthful strenght and vigor. It is also used to treat dizziness, infertility, anemia, and constipation. There is evidence that it lowers blood cholesterol levels, and it is currently being studied for its ability to prevent heart disease and cancer. Fo-Ti is sold dried and as powders, tablets, capsules, concentrated drops, tinctures, and extracts.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

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Ginger Root

Ginger Root - Zingiber Officinal

Ginger acts as a peripheral circulation stimulant and is helpful in treating bad circulation, chilblains and cramps. It is also used as a remedy for digestive problems, sore throats, and as a promoter of perspiration in treating fever.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

Therapeutic profile: a warming circulatory stimulant and body cleansing herb, with excellent effectiveness for cramping, indigestion, nausea, coughs, sinisitis and sore throat. Primary uses: as a catalyst in all formulas where circulation to the extremities is needed. (as in arthritis);for respiratory and lung/chest clearing combinations; in digestive system stimulants and alkalizers for clearing gas; as an aid in promoting menstrual regularity and relief from cramping and sluggishness; for all kings of nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness; as a direct compress with cayenne to stimulate venous circulation; secondary uses: as a catalyst in nervine and sedtive formulas; as a gargle and part of a sore throat syrup; as a diaphoretic where sweating is needed for removing toxic wastes, as a stimulant to the kidneys for extra filtering activity; externally as a compress for muscle pulls and ligament strains.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Ginger is derived from the underground stems and root of a tropical plant (Zingiber officinale) native to the Far East. It has been used since ancient times by the Greeks, Chinese, and others as a medicine and flavoring. Ginger is widely taken today for its calming effect on the digestive system and is the premier natural remedy for nausea form morning sickness, upset stomach, and motion sickness. It helps expel gas from the intestines and relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract. Ginger has been shown to reduce the production of prostaglanidins that cause inflammation, especially in people with arthritis. Such swelling, of course, is one on the factors that cause and exacerbate arthritis pain. Researchers have found that ginger also inhibits platlet aggregation, which means it prevents the blood from sludging, one of the factors that give rise to heart attacks and strokes. Ginger may also lower blood cholesterol levels. It is nontoxic and safe to take in large doses. It comes fresh or dried and in tablets, capsules, concentrated drops, tinctures, and extracts.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

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Goldenseal Root

Golden Seal Root Hydrastis Canadensis

Therapeutic profile: a major antibiotic and healing tonic herb, used to fight infections of all kinds; it is also a source of natural insulin, and a hemostatic to control both external and internal bleeding. Primary uses: as a specific in any lymph cleansing, anti-biotic combonation; in eczema and psoriasis formulas; to help stop excessive menstrual bleeding; in cold, flu and upper respiratory combinations; as a specific for amoebic dysentery; as part of a formula for diabetes control; secondary uses: to heal stomach ulcers, colitis and other gastric/bowel inflammation; as a mouthwash for cankers, mouth and gum sores, as an eyewash for cojunctivitis inflammation and infection; as a skin wash for skin caancers, ringworm and dermatitis; an excellent aid during childbirth. NOTE: AVOID DURING PREGNANCY BECAUSE OF UTERINE MUSCLE STIMULATION.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Effective in all digestive problems from peptic ulcers to colitis due to its tonic effects on the body's mucous membranes. Goldenseal is a powerful anti-microbial improving all catarrhal conditions, especially those of the sinuses.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

Goldenseal - A bitter, cure all type of herb that strengthens the immune system, acts as an antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, potentiates insulin, and cleanses the body. good for colds, flu, inflammation, glandular swelling, gum disease, morning sickness, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and ulcers. Promotes functioning capacity on the heart, the lymphatic and respiratory system, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas, and the colon. Good for stomach, prostrate, bladder, and vaginal disorders. Cleasnses mucous membranes, regulates menses, improves digestion, and counters infection. Also decreases uterine bleeding, reduces blood pressure, and stimulates the central nervous system.Waning: Long term use may weaken the bacterial flora of the colon. When combined with gotu kola, goldenseal acts as a brain tonic.(Source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch,M.D. & Phyllis A. Balach, C.N.C.)

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Ginko Bilboa

Ginkgo Biloba Leaf

Ginkgo has a powerful effect on brain function and cerebral circulation and acts on wide range of vascular conditions. Some of these include vertigo, tinnitus, neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease, memory and concentration problems, diminished intellectual capacity due to insufficient circulation,and complications of stroke and skull injuries.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

Therapeutic profile: a longevity herb with great success in overcoming many unpleasent symptoms of aging, such as memory loss, lack of awareness, depression, and ringing in the ears. Primary uses: as a specific in anti-aging and regenerative compounds and in cardiac protection formulas against stroke and atherosclerosis; secondary uses: in combinations to overcome environmental stress, and improve circulatory and nervous system function.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Improves memory loss, brain function, depression, cerebral and peripheral circulation, oxygenation, and blood flow. Good for tinnitis, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, heart and kidney disorders and glucose utilization.(Source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch,M.D. & Phyllis A. Balach, C.N.C.)

Ginkgo preparations are derived from the fan-shaped leaves of one of the world's most ancient tree species (Ginko biloba). It has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years to treat asthma, allergies, and coughs. Currently it is gaining popularity for its reputed ability to improve brain function and boost memory and atertness. Researchers say that it stimulates circulation in the brain and ears and thus may help prevent dizziness, hearing loss tinnitus, stroke, and depression. Ginkgo acts as an antioxidant. Studies indicate it has potential use in the treatment of impotence, varicose veins, and Alzheimer's disease. Extracts are often standardized to contain 24 percent ginkgo heterosides. It comes in tablets, capsules, concentrated drops, tinctures, and extracts.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

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Ginseng is a human-shaped root that is one of the most popular healing herbs of the East and West It includes species from Asia (Panax ginseng, usually called Chinese or Korean ginseng) abd North American (P. quinquefolius, called American ginseng). Siberian ginseng, or eleuthero, is also from the ginseng family and has similar effects and uses. Ginseng is commonly used as an adaptogen, meaning it normalizes physical functioning regardless of direction (for example, it will lower high blood pressure, but raise low blood pressure).It is also typically taken to lesen the effects of stress, improve performance, boost energy levels, enhance memory, and stimulate immunity. One study showed that two polysaccharides that could be isolated from ginseng stimulated the proliferation of CD4 cells in response to a disease-causing agent. Ginseng protects cells from damage by radiation and toxic substances. It is not as stimulating as herbs containing caffeine or ephedrine, but may be too strong for some people and should be used in moderation. It is sold as a whole root or powder and in capsules, tablets, tea bags, tinctures, and extracts.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

Used for impotence,(stimulates male sex glands),stress (strengthens the adrenal glands), cocaine withdrawal, energy, diabetes, radiation protection, colds, and chest problems. Promotew lung function, enhances immune function, stimuates the appetite, and normalizes blood pressure.(Source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch,M.D. & Phyllis A. Balach, C.N.C.)

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Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola Herb - Centella Asiatica

Gotu Kola is a stimulant to the central nervous system and is used to improve memory and treat fatigue.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

Therapeutic profile:a memory and brain tonic used to overcome depression, and increase longevity, heart and nerve health. Primary uses: as a specific in all brain and memory stimulation formulas, such as learning disabilities or Alzheimer's disease; as a specidic in any energizing, mental burn-out, or weight loss compound; in a anti-aging formula; to increase healthy circulation; secindary uses: as part of a formula to alleviate menopause immmbalance and pain; with Wild Yam as part of a spermacidal contraceptive combination.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

A mildly bitter herb that stimulates central nervous system, aids in the elimination of excess fluids, shrinks tissues, decreases fatigue and depression and increases sex drive. Used for rheumatism, blood diseases, mental disorders, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, sore throat, tonsillitis, hepatitis, urinary tract infections, veneral disease, measles, insomnia, and stress. Acts as a diuretic. May neutralize blood acids and lower body temperature. Good for liver and heart function.(Source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch,M.D. & Phyllis A. Balach, C.N.C.)

Gotu Kola is principally Asian plant (Hydrocotyle asiatica). It should not be confused with kola, an unrealted, caffeine-containing herb. For thousands of years gotu kola has been a popular remedy in India and Pakistan, where it has a reputation for promoting longevity and is being investigated for use against leprosy and tuberculosis. In the West, it is used mainly as a tonic to increase energy and endurance, improve memory and mental stamina, and alleviate depression and anxiety. It boosts circulation in the legs and is an effective remedy for varicose veins. Gotu kola has important uses externally as a wound healer, burn remedy, and psoriasis treatment. Large doses taken internally may have a sedating effect. It is sold dried and in capsules, concentrated drops, tinctures, and extracts.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

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Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn Berry - Crataegus Oxyacantha

Therapeutic profile: a tonifying high bioflavonoid herb for the heart and circulatory system, with vaso-dialating and heart muscle strengthening activity; also effective in reducing high blood pressure and srterial plaque. Primary uses: in all cardiac tonic combinations to regulate and strengthen the heart, and to provide a definite feeling of well-being through blood pressure and cholesterol reduction: secondary uses: strengthens vein and capillary structure; acts as a digestant for better food use.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

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Licorice Root

Licorice Root - Glycyrrhiza Glabra

Therapeutic profile: a wide ranging anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic, and anti-bacterial herb, particularly useful as a blood cleanser, nervine, endocrine and hormone support. Other important functions include effectiveness as a blood sugar regulant, healant for gastro-intestinal conditions such as ulcers, and capable adrenal nourishment. It also acts as a natural cortisone. Primary uses:as a specific in a blood cleansing and detoxification tonic; as a specific in a formula to regulate both hypoglycemia and diabetes; as a specidic in formulas to balance both male and female hormones; to speed healing of mucous membranes in a formula for gastric and duodenal ulcers; as a primary stimulalnt to the adrenal glands; as an anti-fungal in treating Candida Albicans yeasts; as part of an anti-bacterial formula against staph and strep, and for acute bronchitis and serious congestion; secondary uses:as a throat gargle for sore throat, cough and singer's voice muscles; as part of a tonic and energy formula; as part of an emmenagogue to bring on suppressed menstruation. NOTE: AVOID IF THERE IS HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Licoricr Root acts on the endocrine system and the liver as an antihepatotoxic effective in treating hepatitis and cirrhosis. Licorice is also an expectorant and antiinflammatory, useful in cough and bronchitis.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

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Nighttime Herbs

A combination formula of the following; Valerian root extract 200mg; Passion Flower Extract 200mg; hops extract 100mg.

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Pau D'Arco

Pau DE Arco Bark - Tabebuia Impetiginosa

Therapeutic profile: a primary antibiotic, anti-viral and antifungal herb, effective against many kinds of virally caused cancers and malignancies; a major agent for immune enhancement and overcoming opportunistic diseases such as candida albicans yeast overgrowth. It is an effective blood purifier, and successful against many blood toxicity conditions, such as dermatitis and psoriasis. Primary uses: as a specific in the treatment of candida albicans, and virally-caused inflammatory cancer and tumors; as a specific both externally and internally for inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema,psoriasis and dermatitis; as a blood purifier and builder for leukemia and pernicious anemia; as a primary immune enhancer against viruses and opportunistic diseases such as HIV, flu, herbes and hepatitis; as part of the treatment to overcome environmentally caused allergies and asthma: secondary uses; in the treatment of most fungal diseases, including thrush, athletes foot, nail fungus and ringworm; for digestive improvement in colitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers; as part of an anti-inflammatory prostate healing combination; externally as a cream or ointment in the healing of old sores or lesions.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

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Pygeum Africanum -

Therapeutic profile:an anti-inflammatory phytosterol with the ability to normalize male prostate prostaglandins. Primary uses:as a specific in a formula for benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), to reduce inflammation and pain and normalize the passing of urine; as a specific in a formula to control and overcome prostate cancer. secondary uses:as part of a combination to dissolve sedimentary formation in the prostate.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Effective in the treatment of benign prostate hyerplasia or prostatic inflammation.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

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Red Clover

Red Clover Blossoms - Trifolium Pratense

Therapeutic profile" a difinitive blood purifying herb effective for many chronic and degenerative diseases; mild anti-biotic and antispasmodic properties. Primary uses: as a specific in cancer and rheumatoid athritis formulas; in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conkitions; as part of a formula for bronchitis relief; as an effective relaxing nervine; secondary uses: as an antisposmodic for whooping cough and inflamed lungs; for treating childhood eczema; as an external wash for boils, sores and acne; as part of an herbal vitamin and mineral combination.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

A safe and effective treatment for childhood eczema. Also useful for chronic skin problems in children and adults such as psoriasis. An expectorant and antispasmodic, Red Clover works especially well on whooping cough and also on coughs and bronchitis.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

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Rei-Shi Mushroms

Reishi Mushroom - Ganoderma Lucidum (Ling Zhi)

Therapeutic profile: a powerful immune stimulating agent, with particular effectiveness against wasting and degenerative diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Primary uses:as a specific in a formula to stimulate T-Cell activity and inhibit replication of the HIV virus; secondary uses:as part of an immune system strengthening formula.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

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Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto Berry - Serenoa Serrutata

Therapeutic profile: a primary tissue building and gland stimulating herb for toning and strengthening the male reproductive system; also effective in cases of prostatitis and wasting pulmonary diseases. Primary uses: as a specific in all formulas for male impotence, sterility and reproductive problems; to reduce inflammation and swelling of enlarged prostate (BPH); as a general male toning agent; as part of a formula for gastro intestinal infection; to help rid the lungs and chest of excess mucous in respiratory problems; secondary uses: as part of a combination to increase female fertility; as part of a formula to build stamina and endurance; as a hormone stimulant ot enlarge underdeveloped breasts in women, and testicles in men.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Saw Palmetto is an herb derived form the dark berries of a small southeastern palm tree (Serenoa repens,S.serrulata) with sword like leaves that grow in a fan shape. It has traditionally been used as a aphrodisiac and to tonify the male reproductive system. Studies confirm an effect on male sex hormones, and an extract has exhibited positive clinical results in treating enlargement of the prostate. It is also an expectorant used to treat respiratory complaints like colds, coughs, and bronchitis. Saw Palmetto contains polysaccharides with potential immune boosting effects. It is sold as tablets, concentrated drops, extracts and tinctures.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

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Milk Thistle - Silymarin - (cardus marianum)

Milk Thistle is a traditional liver remedy prepared from the seeds of a thorny, weed like plant (cardus marianum). It is often taken in the form of Silymarin, a standardized extract of a complex compound found in the seeds. Studies confirm that silymarin helps liver cells membranes. It also boosts the organ's ability to filter blood and prevents liver damage from toxins including solvents, alcohol, drugs, most pesticides and herbicides, and bacterial compounds like those associated with food poisoning. Milk thistle may help treat cirrhosis, hepatitis, and other liver diseases. It is onten taken regularly as a preventive and after exopsure to a toxin. It comes in capsules, concentrated herbal drops, and extracts.(Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from the editors of "Natural Health")

Therapeutic profile:a tonifying, detoxifying herb for the liver, and specific for the gall blader, with high anti-oxident properties to prevent free radical damage. Primary uses: as a specific in a liver regeneration and rebuilding combination, particularly in cases of hepatitis and cirrhosis; to increase the secretion and flow of bile from liver and gall bladder; as a safe promoter of mother's milk; secondary uses: as a liver protective and disease preventive.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Milk Thistle Seed is excellent as a liver tonic and in treating numerous liver and gallbladder conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. May also reverse toxic liver damage and protect aganinst hepatotoxic agents.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

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Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm Bark - Ulmus Fulva

Therapeutic profile: a strengthening, soothing demulcent herb, ideal for sore, inflamed, ulcerated mucous membranes and wasting disease. Primary uses:as a key part of combinations for stomach, bowel and colon sores, ulcers and inflammation: as a specific for stomach and lung cancer lesions; as a throat coat and demulcent expectorant for dry sore throats and coughs; as the soothing part of a formula for indigestion and gastritis; a sooothing astringent for diarrhea; secondary uses as a poultice or compress for bed sores, gangrene and abscesses; as part of an arthritis or gout formula; as a tea to settle the stomach from nausea.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Slippery elm is useful in treating digestive conditios with inflammed mucous membrane linings such as gastritis, gastric or doudenal ulcer, enteritis, and colitis, where it has a soothing demulcent action. (Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

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Valerian Root

Valerian Root - Valeriana Officinalis

Therapeutic profile: a strong pain relieving safe sedative herb for insomnia, anxiety, and depression, without narcotic side effect. It is also an effective antispasmodic and healant to the nervous system. Primary uses: as a specific in any and all combinations for nervous tension, stress insomnia, nerve and arthritic pain, menstrual cramping and muscle spasms; a specific with feverfew for the relief of migraine and cluster headaches; as a cardio tonic agent to normalize heart pappitations while strengthening circulatory activity; as part of a safe calming formula for hyperactivity and restlessness in children; as part of a combination for hypertension and high blood pressure; as a sedative for childhood diseases, so that natural rest and sleep can promote healiing; to counterract epileptic fits and petit mal; secondary uses: as a brain tonic from mental exhaustion; as a calmative for hysteria and manic depression where the cause is emotional or mental trauma; to overcome hypochondria; for the treatment of colic, gas and flatulence in infants; as part of a formula for indigestion from nervous stomach.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

An excellent nervine for treating anxiety and tension, and a gentle, safe sleep aid. Valerian's antispasmodic action makes it a strong muscle relaxing used in muscle cramping, uterine cramps, and intestinal colic.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

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Yucca Root

Yucca Root - Yucca Spp.

Therapeutic profile: an anti inflammmatory phytosterol with the ability to break up inorganic mineral obstructions and deposits. Primary uses: in pain relieving combinations for arthritic and joint pain, and sediment caused inflammation as in gout, rheumatism, and cystitis or prostatitis; secondary uses: as an aid to establishing stable friendly flora balance in the GI tract and for asthmatic symptom relief.(Source:"How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist" by Linda Rector-Page N.D., Ph.D.)

Yucca is an antiinflammatory, useful in treating joint inflammatin and arthritic pain. Can have a laxative effect.(Source: "Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas" by Herbal Research Publications Inc.)

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Last Updated: Thursday, June 13, 1996