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Subject: alt.satanism FAQ file
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Archive-name: religions/satanism/faqfcs
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The First Church of Satan (FCoS) FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Satan really exist?
The Satanic Trinity [Gnostic] [Traditional] [Generational]
Can you define "Left Hand Path/Right Hand Path?"
Are you related to Anton LaVey's church?
How do you compare with the Temple of Set (ToS)?
Isn't Satanism a brutal religion? What about Love?
Do Satanists have a moral code?
Aren't Satanists "devil worshippers?"
Do Satanists engage in animal sacrifice?
What is the meaning of the goat and that star symbol?
What are your ethics regarding love spells?
Do Satanists have regular meetings?
Jesus died for my sins. What has Satan done for me?
Do Satanists use drugs?
Do Satanists have specific role models?
How can I find out if Satanism is for me?
FCoS Qualifications for Priesthood
Does Satan really exist?
Satanists argue over the existence/non-existence of Satan as an entity. Our
position is that the fight should not be about whether or not you have a
relationship with a real or imagined entity. The argument/discussion should
be about whether your belief system is dogmatic or non-dogmatic.
If there is one tenet we hold to, it is the strong and unequivocal belief
that all spiritual paths are essentially valid - mythic road maps which can
lead a seeker down a similar road to the same eternal truths. This flies
directly in the face of religious advocates who proselytize a One True Way
approach. When you strip the Halloween mask from the face of Satanism, you
are left with is "just another spiritual path" no different from any other.
Traditions have not failed us, the devotee simply has to dig deeper and
avoid the horrendous pitfalls of contradictory dualistic religious
traditions, because "The gravest of all sins is self-deceit!"
Explain the Satanic Trinity
There are three schools of thought in Satanism. Each one has been adopted,
corrupted and euphemised by Christians to symbolize Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. Let the mask be stripped and the veil torn asunder that all may see;
1.) Gnostic Satanism (The Father)
There are a race of beings far more advanced than our own who live beyond
our limited linear perception of time and space. They have, down through
history, been called by various names; gods, angels, seraphim, "Heavenly
Father," etc. These beings possess infinite cosmic power and wisdom compared
to ourselves, but they are not really supernatural per se, just more
advanced - nothing more, nothing less. This includes "Satan" or "Set." This
tendency to worship them is a natural reaction of our primitive minds.
Hereafter, we will refer to these beings as Daemons.
We have not as yet developed the cranial capacity to perceive or comprehend
the perceptions they have acquired regarding the complex nature of this
universe. Direct intrusion into our lives and affairs would thwart our
potential growth and evolution - we must continue to struggle and be allowed
to make our own mistakes, otherwise evolution is halted, as there are no
lessons being learned. There is, however, a natural way in which these
Daemons (or Watchers) inspire us and communicate ideas; through an
impersonal device known as the Archetypal Form which exists in the realm of
the collective unconscious.
The collective unconscious is a psychic realm that we as humans share, and
it has been developed layer upon layer for ages - the most accessible
"layers" would be common to one's family, then the tribe, race, and so on.
By the time we reach the bottom layer, we realize that every living thing is
connected to every other living thing, throughout our world, galaxy and
Universe! Even our mentors, the daemons acknowledge their origins and state,
"All the gods are of the god. All the goddesses are of the goddess. And the
god and goddess are of the All." The Daemon Satan, himself, venerates the
miracle of creation, the dark womb from which all life has sprung.
The collective unconscious has a dual aspect-it consists of instincts and
archetypes. Instincts are rudimentary survival responses which have been
preserved in psychic memory throughout generations of the species.
Archetypes are primordial images which have evolved out of the instinctual
content because we have attained a certain level of being. These primordial
images are nothing less than primitive ideas and symbols, or series of
symbols, which formulate our perceptions of the world and our place in it.
The archetypes are also our portals to infinite wisdom, because they provide
the natural way in which Daemons can communicate with humankind, behaving
not unlike computer modems.
This conversation occurs when the consciousness is an altered state. The
particular state of mind required has a name: samadhi or Gnosis (pronounced
"noe-sis"). It is the No-mind, the ain or nothing, stopping the internal
dialogue. It is also one-pointedness, passing through the eye of a needle.
There are two methods used to achieve gnosis; the inhibitory mode, where the
mind is progressively silenced until only a single object of concentration
remains, and the excitory mode, where the mind is raised to a very high
pitch of excitement while focus on an idea is fixed or maintained. The
latter describes the exalted state of the celebrant during a Greater Black
Magical operation. There is a push/pull effect that transpires because
strong stimulation eventually elicits a reflex inhibition which paralyzes
all but the most central function - the object of concentration. That object
could be a petition or question posed to a certain deity or archetypal
form - it could be a visual of some future event. Thus strong inhibition and
strong excitation end up producing the same effect - that one-pointed
consciousness, or gnosis.
Please note that inhibitory and excitatory techniques can be employed
sequentially, just not together in the same operation.
2.) Traditional Satanism (The Son)
All creatures on the wheel of life evolve gradually, as do the souls which
inhabit these forms. All life springs from the All, that dark force which
permeates the Universe and sends each atom spinning; prana, orgone or cosmic
energy, call it what you will - it is the Dark Mother Kali/Shiva.
Beginning with the lower order of species, one particular strain will
possess what could be termed a "hive soul." Take for example the monarch
butterfly - there are thousands in existence, yet they collectively possess
one soul. When a specie dies and is considered extinct, that collective soul
forms the basis for a new specie. The hive soul will eventually see it's
last (collective) incarnation and emerge as a unified individual soul.
To my knowledge, there are many human souls which have come into existence
this way, however, the process of Becoming does not end there!
Theories regarding divergent lifelines and parallel universes are all very
true. The human soul can not as yet declare it's unique existence, for it
enjoys simultaneous multiple existences in these various dimensions. A
perceptual blurring together of these realities and various past life
recollections is avoided by a natural "cosmic buffer" which serves a
pragmatic purpose; enabling one to focus and thereby benefit from the
experiences, choices and lessons of his/her current lifeline. The cycle of
life, death and reincarnation continues unabated for millions of years and
slowly, these lifelines begin to merge until they become fully integrated
and... when they do... a daemon is born!
Daemons possess great cosmic power, multi-dimensional awareness, a magnified
Will and a superior intellect - as a result, their lives are infinitely more
complex than our own. Unlike mortals, they choose a time and place to
express themselves physically.
When daemons walk among us, they are born into this world in the usual
fashion - there are no virgin births or "immaculate conceptions." Also, the
physical body is very frail with a limited cranial capacity compared with
evolution on a universal grand scale. Therefore, the daemon lends only part
of his essence to a human incarnation, otherwise the concentration of prana
would be too great, akin to overloading an electrical appliance. This
explains why Christians have this concept of Jesus being "the son of a god."
It must be stressed that, as a race, these advanced souls come
infrequently - they are not at war with one another as our primitive
mythologies suggest.
When daemons incarnate, the "cosmic buffer" serves a slightly different
purpose; by merely focussing their attention, they can retrieve information
on an "as needed basis" concerning past lives, other dimensions, cosmic
events... The conscious mind, in this case, is so sharp and focussed, it can
easily penetrate the buffer which still serves much the same purpose;
avoiding an overload of psychic sensory information.
Joan of Arc was also a daemon and there were others. Lucifer is perhaps the
oldest and wisest amongst them always choosing the form of a shaman, priest
or healer. Since this world began, the daemon answering to the name
"Loki/Lucifer/HarWer" has made his appearance fewer than four times. Lucifer
is the Illuminated One, the Light Bearer, the outward physical manifestation
of The Prince of Darkness.
You must always remember that daemons are merely a manifestation of the
future of our race.
We are all inherently divine, the Co-Creators of a new age of Man! In this
fashion we shall Create Gods in Our Own Image, for we are the Creator, and
we are the Created. Thus, the cornerstone of our faith shall always be;
"There is no god above Man."
3.) Generational Satanism (The Holy Spirit)
There is a more important aspect of Satan, above/beyond any archetypal form
or evolved existence - and that is the force these historical myths
represent! The so-called yin, sod, prana or atma (breath of life). It is the
Dark Force or animating principle which permeates and balances the Universe,
the Cosmocrator! This force is also called entropy for it consumes
time/space, but in doing so, new life is created. It is mythological greek
Ouroboros, the serpent devouring its own tail - the alpha and the omega -
the solve et coagula of existence!
Wiccans refer to this force as The Goddess. Some Satanists fancy it as the
Dark Mother, Kali/Shiva. In the Vedic (Tantric) tradition, the SAT (Being,
The One) is manifested from the TAN (Boundless Darkness, The All) Ergo,
Satan. Physicists call it dark matter. Wilhelm Reich had a name for it -
orgone energy. But it is not energy, nor is it matter! However, it molds
everything that is energy/matter. There is no stasis, anywhere. Satan indeed
pushes everything into existence, then pulls everything back to its doom or
primary essence. It Wills what man calls evil, yet causes good.
Can you define "Left Hand Path/Right Hand Path?"
LHP = Left Hand Path RHP = Right Hand Path
LHP: Divinity permeates Nature. The All is One. People rejoice in the
fleshly life.
RHP: Divinity opposes Nature. People seek redemption from the flesh.
Are you related to Anton LaVey's Church?
Anton LaVey is dead. His real name was Howard Stanton Levey, a self-loathing
jew who invited Nazis and skinheads into his organization and put them in
positions of power! We are being very public about our intention to maintain
a Satanic organization that is not hostile and manipulative towards its own
members, and we've been very concerned about the manipulative and
hierarchical nature of LaVey's Church of Satan, with Blanche Barton as its
new High Priest.
The FCoS focuses more on individuality and diverse expressions of Satanism.
Our High Priest, Lord Egan, was a member of the early Church of Satan lead
by LaVey, back in the early 70's. He sees himself returning to the self
empowering Satanism no longer alive in the organization lead by Ms. Barton.
The connection between the FCoS and the CoS is admiration for the Satanic
Bible as a strengthening book, as most members of the early Church of Satan
remember it, and as many new supporters of the CoS understand that book and
Satanism. Today, the elitist ego bashers and personality manipulators of the
San Francisco CoS, have forgotten or subverted the original purpose of the
Satanic Bible as strengthening and respecting of individuals and their
autonomy of mind. Instead the CoS has used the Satanic Bible as a
manipulative tool to lure members who are later bashed by
superiority/inferiority games.
How do you compare with the Temple of Set (ToS)?
Temple of Set - (Prometheun Gnosticism)
The dark force which permeates and manifests the Natural Universe is not
identified with Set (Satan), but God. The purpose of Xeper is to achieve
separation, isolation from the Natural Universe, a state of unique existence
outside our perception of time and space. Like the Christians, Setians are
dualists - their diety has an "opposite face," a physical manifestation
known as HarWer (The Devil), defined as "fitful" (spasmodic, chaotic,
The First Church of Satan - (Dark Gnosticism)
The dark force which permeates and manifests the Natural Universe is One -
there is no "other" and this is the most wonderful of all possible worlds!
The Christian god is a comic book character. The process of Becoming
involves the magnification and expansion of one's Will within the confines
of the Natural Universe and other multi-dimensional existences - an
integrated state of existence which transcends time and space.
Isn't Satanism a brutal religion? What about love?
Many Satanists play right into the "dualistic trap" laid out for them by the
Christians, Islamics and certain Hindu sects. Since these religions preach
tolerance, brotherhood and kindness, they feel dutybound to react in an
adversarial manner! Perhaps the worst thing one can do is mention the "L"
word (love) before a group of Satanists.
The spiritual religions are psyche-denying, of that there can be no doubt -
they forbid emotions like anger and lust, but in doing so they burst upon us
unbridled! The evangelist forms a compulsive need for hookers, Islamic
fundamentalists become an angry, bloodthirsty mob, etc... One would think
that the Satanist would learn from these examples, but they don't. Hardly
beyond adolescent development, many hormonally - challenged LaVeyans choose
the polar opposite extreme; love is equated with weakness, hate with
strength. Yet in practice, the opposite is true.
The daemonic approach is to embrace the totality of human experience; love
and hate, joy and despair, empathy and indifference. One cannot achieve the
pinnacle of ecstacy without having first experienced the very depths of
gloom - it's a simple law of nature! Yes, we live in a marvelous universe of
duality, but the source of all life is the One, whose center is everywhere.
Do Satanists have a moral code?
Only that which was penned almost a century ago by famed poet and mystic,
Aleister Crowley;
Liber Oz
There is no god above Man.
Man has the right to live by his own law --
to live in the way that he wills to do:
to work as he will:
to play as he will:
to rest as he will.
to die when and how he will:
Man has the right to eat what he will:
to drink what he will:
to dwell where he will:
to move as he will on the face of the earth.
Man has the right to think what he will:
to speak what he will:
to write what he will:
to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will:
to dress as he will.
Man has the right to love as he will: ---
"take your fill and will of love as ye will,
when, where and with whom ye will!" -- AL. I. 51.
Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.
"the slaves shall serve." -- AL. II. 58.
Aren't Satanists "devil worshippers?"
No! The difference between Satanism and devil worship is simple;
Devil worshippers are nothing more than wannabe renegade Christians still
drowning in the belief that to be a Satanist they must use dogma that is the
reverse of Christian belief. Satanists are free thinkers, moving forward
spiritually through self-exploration and spiritual stimulation.
Strictly speaking, a devil worshipper is someone who worships evil as a
moral absolute. The Satanist does not recognize "good and evil" per se -
only cause and effect (yin/yang).
Do Satanists engage in animal sacrifice? Isn't that a cheap "thrill" kill
used to stimulate the emotional/magical effectiveness of an inferior
Traditionally, the magician would have regularly killed his own meat, as did
everybody else. With that in mind, he must have been pretty dulled to the
experience of killing when it came to a sacrifice, so I can't see that the
"thrill kill" applies to traditional magic. This concept is modern and due
to our removal from the killings in which we all participate (unless you're
veggie). I won't be surprised if it happens in isolated cases, but that's a
separate issue. The phobia surrounding the sacrifice is hysteria, based in
the main from our culture's phobia of ritual and occult in general.
Our take is that in the medieval witchcraft/magical traditions, animal
sacrifice was a continuation of a pagan practice whereby the god was in
reality "fed" by the slaughter. The word "Psychodrama" was not around, and
for us to force our magical theories on others is a bit presumptuous.
Santeros insists that the sacrifice is necessary, and by all accounts their
magic is indeed powerful.
The second point - the denigration of the magician who requires the
sacrifices. I see this as a covert attempt to moralize the issue. What
offends here is the taking of an "innocent life" to attain one's selfish
In nature, an animal kills in self-defense or for food - that is why we
strictly enforce the following rule; "You kill it, you eat it." We strongly
believe that adolescents who "thrill kill" the neighborhood dog, cat,
rabbit, squirrel, etc., in the name of Satan should be forced to eat the
carcass of the animal (properly cooked, of course!) Society, in general, is
out of touch with nature and out of touch with reality. Its time to wake-up
and smell the coffee...
What is the meaning of the goat and that star symbol?
The Sigil of Baphomet.
The five symbols (one at each point of the Baphomet) are five Hebrew
letters: Lamed (L), Vau (V), YOD (Y), Tau (Th), and Nun (N). These letters
spell out the Hebrew word Leviathan (LVYThN).
1. The Leviathan is associated with the Ouroboros, or Serpent eating its own
tail. This element of the Baphomet is derived from the Ophites who used the
Serpent as a symbol of Wisdom. The Serpent represents the big-bang/crunch of
the Cosmos (the simultaneous creation/destruction).
2. The Star itself comes from the Pythagorean school of Mathematics. Many
have missed the association of Pythagoras' name with Python (another form of
the Serpent Leviathan). In fact, one of the more Esoteric derivants of
Baphomet is "Baphe-Metis", that is, Initiation into Wisdom-Measurement.
3. The Goat is Pan, the symbol of nature itself.
These three elements represent the Trinity, the three clans or schools of
thought united under one symbol. Today, these people are known as Satanists,
i.e., Tanists, SAT = "The One", TAN = "Darkness" (that which is invisible).
The three clans are:
(1) Pan/Arcadia - the goat (2) Ophite Jews - the Hebrew letters for LVYThN
(3) Pythagorean - the pentacle, or pent-alpha, most commonly called the
With two points up, the Pentagram symbolizes the natural and healthy venting
of emotion. The one point down is the Lightning bolt or ENTROPY which
produced the spark of life as we know it. You will notice that the center of
the star resembles a house. Regarding the one-point-up (actually this star
is truly "inverted") we say that the "house" is upside-down.
The sigil of Baphomet is not a legal trademark or corporate logo as others
would have you believe! Why? Because it was not created in this century!
Anyone can use this symbol - it is in the public domain, just like the
christian crucifix or jewish star of david. If any person or organization
threatens to sue you for using, advertising, posting or merchandising items
displaying this symbol, please report it to us immediately! They are
perpetrating fraud and will be dealt with swiftly and severely.
What are your ethics regarding love spells?
Magic spells can be thrown any number of ways and it is delineated in the
updated version of Satan's Bible. Also... you brought up a very important
point: What I'm about to do is give you information based on years of
practical experience, not "theory" or some Wiccan Rede based on
half-truths...Yes, you can throw spells to force people to fall in love with
you, but if you do it to the wrong person, you will be very very sorry!
First you must do a spell to attract "the perfect soul-mate" someone who is
hand-picked by Lucifer himself (I'm not kidding). I know a witch who did
this. When she met the right man, it was at a social gathering - out of the
corner of her eye she kept seeing the witch goddess Hecate doing an exotic
dance around him. Everytime she looked directly at him, she was gone!
The witch knew this to be the sign she was waiting for - it wasn't a mere
hallucination. Her heart was beating - he was rich, handsome and wanted
nothing to do with her! But... the very fact that they were compatible
spiritually? This gave the witch a clear advantage - the overwhelming force
of nature was in her favor! She did a spell forcing him, binding him to her
and it worked - he phoned her the next day. They have been together for 15
years (a true story). Love spells are very tricky. You might think you've
found the right man, ignored all the warning signs and wind up in and out of
divorce court or even worse, destroying yourself over the wrong person.
Do Satanists have regular meetings?
More and more Satanism is coming out of the closet and it will soon go
public. This will happen in Salem, Massachusetts (USA) sometime in the near
future. A difficult road lies ahead, but the future of Satanism will be as
an alternative mainstream religion. In the meantime, private meetings will
be held in member's homes and occasionally rented facilities.
Jesus died for my sins. What has Satan done for me?
Satan, my dear, has not insulted your intelligence by even considering such
an ineffectual and ecologically unsound act. Dead Sea Scrolls recently
translated, allude to the fact that Jesus didn't either. Of course, if you
really believe that Jesus did choose to die for you instead of running off
with Mary M. for a lifetime of bliss, then I have a neat toll bridge that
I'll sell you cheap. Did you ever notice how fast an old god dries up when a
new one is sold to the public? Jehovah was far too much trouble to fool
with, so today, only a few hanger's on even remember his name.
Do Satanists use drugs?
Most practicing Satanists are also Black Magicians or Wizards of one level
or another. Obviously, it is not wise to fool around with the gross and
elemental powers of the universe while on a bum trip or fuzzy in the head.
Satanists need total control of every thought and action when at risk and
cannot condone the limiting effects of drugs, or for that matter, alcohol.
Focus, Intent and Will are adversely affected by substance abuse and are
therefore avoided. There are some psychedelic substances which give the
magician insight and open psychic channels, but the results are short-lived
and do not encourage discipline. Generally speaking, drugs and magic do not
Harmless mind-altering substances like marijuana, peyote, even alcohol may
be used on rare occassion in recreational and/or traditional ceremonial
settings, but the Satanist should always observe strict rules regarding
The First Church of Satan advocates the legalization of all drugs and the
immediate closure of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and FDA (Food and
Drug Administration) government offices in the United States. Why? We
believe in personal responsibility. Mortals must be given right to choose -
to make their own mistakes and suffer the consequences of their own actions.
Do Satanists have specific role models?
The saints of our religion have been those great men and women who were the
"movers and shakers" of their day - those great philosophers and inventors
who helped reshape the way in which we view our world - the paradigm
shifters! We proudly present this partial list of names;
Ayn Rand, Camille Paglia, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Friedrich Nietzsche, H.L.
Mencken, Wilhelm Reich, Nikola Tesla, Bertrand Russell, Oscar Wilde,
Madonna, George Carlin ... and many more!
How can I find out if Satanism is for me?
If it really matters to you, and you really want to know, then you have but
to ask. In the dark of night, and with a open mind, say out-loud and really
mean it, "Satan, I want the truth." Now, don't expect a burning bush
experience, but over a period of time, events will transpire and chance
meetings will occur so that one day, you will realize that the truth has
been there all along. Of course, you will be as a judge, compiling many
pieces of information and experience into a whole. When the process is
complete, you will then have to weigh the facts and make an informed
The answer you receive from Satan, using the above stated method, will be
the "truth" you are seeking, but it will be your truth! When one begins
"channeling messages" for others to read, then canonizing said documents, he
no longer has a special relationship with the Prince of Darkness having
betrayed his basic evolutionary premise, self-determination. A solid line of
demarcation exists between gnostic self-enlightenment and the evangelical
tenets of a self-appointed "pontiff."
Our contribution to Satanism? Being able to carry the movement to this next
First Church of Satan Qualifications for Priesthood
Those who aspire to the FCoS priesthood MUST submit a 300 word essay
(minimum) entitled "Why I Wish to Represent the FCoS." Considering the
current profile of those who represent the CoS in California, we have become
a bit leery of those chosen to represent us. We will be looking for those
who possess "people skills" and the ability to communicate ideas, along with
a basic grasp of the Satanic philosophy. Of course, you must first become a
Greater Black Magical skills, the fact that you can quote Nietzsche
verbatim, pronounce enochian or speak Klingon fluently will hardly be a
deciding factor. We wish to know what is inside your HEART first and
foremost - all other issues are secondary. Once you are chosen for the
priesthood, charters for local covens will be granted. You may become as
public or as private as you wish and we will alert you to new members in
your area.
Let us say that the FCoS is an organization whose time has come. It is
particularly geared to those individuals whose foundations and stature are
firm enough to interact with all sorts of other abstract thinking and logic
and yet not lose their own balance or identity. The question is never
whether the FCoS is big enough for an individual. The question is more
likely: "Is the individual big enough for the FCoS?" The history of the
FCoS is being written at this very moment. Watch it change the face of
Satan Lives! The All Is One!!
the Daemon Egan
High Priest, FCoS
The First Church of Satan
"Friendly Satanists... real people!!"
Read Satan's Bible Online! (under construction)
posted to usenet as: "FCoS FAQ 5-1-99CE"
by "the Daemon Egan" <>