The e-text version of this book is based on the 1929 Norman Kemp Smith translation, and appears in eight parts, as follows:
This e-text version of this book was originally prepared by Stephen Palmquist and placed in the Oxford Text Archive in 1985.
Norman Kemp-Smith's translation of Kant's CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON is copyright material in most countries of the world. The electronic rights in the title worldwide are controlled by Macmillan Press Ltd on behalf of the Kemp Smith's estate. Macmillan Press have allowed us to keep the electronic version of the text available on this site only to benefit scholarship. A paperback edition of this famous translation (ISBN 0333057139) is available outside North America from Macmillan Press Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke Hants RG21 6XS, UK at 16.50 pounds sterling. St Martin's Press also publishes the paperback in the USA at $19.95.
If you wish to put any or all of this text on another web site or to use the text for any purpose other than scholarship, please contact:
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This page was last updated on 25 April 1999