Hexagrams are composed of two trigrams.
To simplify the process of locating a specific hexagram, use the following table, identifying the 'upper' (top) and 'lower' (bottom) trigrams, and then click on the number where the appropriate row and column intersect; this will take you straight to the appropriate reading!
The numbers are used consistently, so should also relate to most books on I Ching to give more-detailed interpretations. Note that the ordering of the tri-grams may be different in different texts, but the resulting numbers should be the same!
Check that you understand the process using the following example:
should give you '10' in the table, below, which should navigate you to 'Treading' in the final table!! |
Now try yours, using the hexagram (two trigrams) you constructed!
| |
I Ching: What is it?
I Ching: How do you use it?
I Ching: The Trigrams
I Ching: The Hexagrams
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I Ching
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