I prepared a path for the good ones
and made a gateway for the
A gateway for the world I made
and erected a throne in it.
throne for the good ones I erected
and set up a light beside it.
A light
I set up beside it,
which is completely perfect.
And a watch-tower for
the sons of perfection I erected,
in the place where they live and are
without deficiency.
I set up thrones for them
and preented them with
magnificant robes.
I established the Jordan of the Great Life
appointed guardians over it,
who were rich and without deficiency.
I set
up a throne for the lord of the radiant beings
and erected a light before
A light, which I erected,
which was completely perfect.
illumination and praise,
with what the Life had caused me to hear,
illumination and praise
I arose and went to the House of the Mighty
In the joy that I felt,
I reported to the Mighty Life.
Mighty Life rejoiced and was glad,
he was overjoyed with me.
The Life
thanked me
and gave me more glory than I had before.
He spoke to me :
Kusta preserve you, good one,
and preserve the word that you have
The Life spoke in his joy
to the uthras and said :
Praise the strenght of the man,
who healed the water through the
Praise the strenght of the man,
against whom the fire sinned
The fire did not sin against him ;
the uthra shone in its
In its brightness the uthra shone
and prepared a path for the
perfect ones.
For the perfect ones he prepared a path
and granted
salvation to the perfect ones.
Salvation he granted to the perfect ones
and remembered their names in the house of the Mighty