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Hortulanus Commentary on the Emerald Tablet
A briefe Commentarie of Hortulanus the Philosopher, upon the Smaragdine
Table of Hermes of Alchimy.
The praier of Hortulanus.
honour, power and glorie, be given to thee, O Almightie Lorde God, with thy
beloved sonne, our Lord Iesus Christ, and the holy Ghost, the comforter. O holy
Trinitie, that art the onely one God, perfect man, I give thee thankes that
having the knowledge of the transitorie things of this worlde (least I should
bee provoked with the pleasures thereof) of thy abundant mercie thou hast taken
mee from it. But forsomuch as I have knowne manie deceived in this art, that
have not gone the right way, let it please thee, O Lord my God, that by the
knowledge which thou hast given me, I may bring my deare friends from error,
that when they shal perceive the truth, they may praise thy holy and glorious
name, which is blessed for ever. Amen.
The Preface.
I Hortulanus, so called from the Gardens bordering
upon the sea coast, wrapped in a Iacobin skinne, unworthy to be called a
Disciple of Philosophie, moved with the love of my welbeloved, doo intend to
make a true declaration of the words of Hermes, the Father of
Philosophers, whose words, though that they be dark and obscure, yet have I
truly expounded the whole operation and practise of the worke: for the
obscuritie of the Philosophers in their speeches, dooth nothing prevaile, where
the doctrine of the holy spirit worketh.
Chapter I.
That the Art of Alchimy is true and certaine.
Philosopher saith. It is true, to wit, that the Arte of Alchimie
is given unto us, Without leasing. This hee saith in detestation of them
that affirme this Art to bee lying, that is, false. It is certaine, that
is prooved. For whatsoever is prooved, is most certaine. And most true.
For most true golde is ingendred by Art: and he saith most true, in the
superlative degree, because the golde ingendred by this Art, excelleth all
naturall gold in all proprieties, both medicinall and others.
Chapter II.
That the Stone must be divided into two
Consequentlie, he toucheth the operation of the stone,
saying: That which is beneath, is as that which is above. And this he
sayth, because the stone is divided into two principall parts by Art: Into the
superior part, that ascendeth up, and into the inferiour part, which remaineth
beneath fixe and cleare: and yet these two parts agree in vertue: and therefore
hee sayeth, That which is above, is like to that which is beneath. And
this division is necessarie, To perpetuate the myracles of one thing, to
wit, of the Stone: because the inferiour part is the Earth, which is called the
Nurse, and Ferment: and the superiour part is the Soule, which quickeneth the
whole Stone, and raiseth it up. Wherefore separation made, and coniunction
celebrated, manie myracles are effected in the secret worke of nature.
Chapter III.
That the Stone hath in it the foure
And as all things have proceeded from one, by the
meditation of one. Heere giveth hee an example, saying: as all things came
from one, to wit, a confused Globe, or masse, by meditation, that is the
cogitation and creation of one, that is the omnipotent God: So all things
have sprung, that is, come out from this one thing that is, one
confused lumpe, by Adaptation, that is by the sole commandement of God,
and miracle. So our Stone is borne, and come out of one confused mass,
containing in it the foure Elements, which is created of God, and by his sole
miracle our stone is borne.
Chapter IV.
That the Stone hath Father and Mother, to wit, the Sunne and
And as wee see, that one living creature begetteth more
living creatures like unto it selfe: so artificially golde engendereth golde, by
vertue of multiplication of the foresaid stone. It followeth therefore, the
Sunne is his father, that is, Philosophers Gold. And as in everie naturall
generation, there must be a fit and convenient receptacle, with a certaine
consonancie of similitude to the father: so likewise in this artificiall
generation, it is requisite that the Sunne have a fitte and consonaunt
receptacle for his seede and tincture: and this is Philosophers silver. And
therefore it followes, the Moone is his mother.
Chapter V.
That the coniunction of the parts of the stone is called
The which two, when they have mutuallie entertained
each other in the coniunction of the Stone, the Stone conceiveth in the bellie
of the winde: and this is it which afterwarde he sayeth: The winde carried it
in his bellie. It is plaine, that the winde is the ayre, and the ayre is the
life, and the life is the Soule. And I have already spoken of the soule, that it
quickneth the whole stone. And so it behoveth, that the wind should carry and
recarry the whole stone, and bring forth the masterie: and then it followeth,
that it must receive nourishment of his nurce, that is the earth: and therefore
the Philosopher saith, The earth is his Nurse: because that as the infant
without receiving food from his nurse, shuld never come to yeres: so likewise
our stone without the firmentation of his earth, should never be brought to
effect: which said firmament, is called nourishment. For so it is begotten of
one Father, with the coniunction of the Mother. Things, that is, sonnes
like to the Father, if they want long decoction, shalbe like to the Mother in
whitenesse, and retaine the Fathers weight.
Chapter VI.
That the Stone is perfect, if the Soule be fixt in the
It followeth afterward: The father of all the Telesme of
the whole worlde is here: that is, in the worke of the stone is a finall
way. And note, that the Philosopher calleth the worke, the Father of all the
Telesme: that is, of all secret, or of all treasure Of the whole worlde:
that is, of every stone found in the world, is here. As if he should say, Behold
I shew it thee. Afterward the Philosopher saith, Wilt thou that I teach thee
to knowe when the vertue of the Stone is perfect and compleate? to wit, when
it is converted into his earth: and therefore he saith, His power is
entire, that is, compleate and perfect, if it be turned into earth:
that is, if the Soule of the stone (whereof wee have made mention before: which
Soule may be called the winde or ayre, wherein consisteth the whole life and
vertue of the stone) be converted into the earth, to wit of the stone, and
fixed: so that the whole substance of the Stone be so with his nurse, to wit
earth, that the whole Stone be turned into ferment. As in making of bread, a
little leaven nourisheth and fermenteth a great deale of Paste: so will the
Philosopher that our stone bee so fermented, that it may bee ferment to the
multiplication of the stone.
Chapter VII.
Of the mundification and cleansing of the
Consequently, hee teacheth how the Stone ought to bee
multiplied: but first he setteth downe the mundification of the stone, and the
separation of the parts: saying, Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire,
the thinne from the thicke, and that gently and with great discretion.
Gently, that is by little, and little, not violently, but wisely, to witte, in
Philosophicall doung. Thou shalt separate, that is, dissolve: for dissolution is
the separation of partes. The earth from the fire, the thinne from the
thicke: that is, the lees and dreggs, from the fire, the ayre, the water,
and the whole substance of the Stone, so that the Stone may remaine most pure
without all filth.
Chapter VIII.
That the unfixed part of the Stone should exceed the fixed,
and lift it up.
The Stone thus prepared, is made fit for
multiplication. And now hee setteth downe his multiplication and easie
liquefaction, with a vertue to pierce as well into hard bodies, as soft, saying:
It ascendeth from the earth into heaven, and again it descendeth into the
earth. Here we must diligently note, that although our stone bee divided in
the first operation into foure partes, which are the foure Elements:
notwithstanding, as wee have alreadie saide, there are two principall parts of
it. One which ascendeth upward, and is called unfixed, and an other which
remaineth below fixed, which is called earth, or firmament, which nourisheth and
firmenteth the whole stone, as we have already said. But of the unfixed part we
must have a great quantity, and give it to the stone (which is made most clean
without all filth) so often by masterie that the whole stone be caried upward,
sublimating & and subtiliating. And this is it which the Philosopher
saith: It ascendeth from the earth into the heaven.
Chapter IX.
How the volatile Stone may againe be
After all these things, this stone thus exalted, must be
incerated with the Oyle that was extracted from it in the first operation, being
called the water of the stone: and so often boyle it by sublimation, till by
vertue of the firmentation of the earth exalted with it, the whole stone doo
againe descend from heaven into the earth, and remaine fixed and flowing. And
this is it which the Philosopher sayth: It descendeth agayne into the earth,
and so receyveth the vertue of the superiours by sublimation, and of the
inferiours, by descention: that is, that which is corporall, is made
spirituall by sublimation, and that which is spirituall, is made corporall by
Chapter X.
Of the fruit of the Art, and efficacie of the
So shalt thou have the glorie of the whole worlde.
That is, this stone thus compounded, that shalt possesse the glorie of this
world. Therefore all obscuritie shall flie from thee: that is, all want
and sicknesse, because the stone thus made, cureth everie disease. Here is
the mightie power of all power. For there is no comparison of other powers
of this world, to the power of the stone. For it shall overcome every subtil
thing, and shall pearce through every solide thing. It shall overcome, that
is, by overcomming, it shall convert quick Mercury, that is subtile,
congealing it: and it shall pearce through other hard, solide, and compact
Chapter XI.
That this worke imitateth the Creation of the
He giveth us also an example of the composition of his
Stone, saying, So was the world created. That is, like as the world was
created, so is our stone composed. For in the beginning, the whole world and all
that is therein, was a confused Masse or Chaos (as is above saide) but afterward
by the workemanship of the soveraigne Creator, this masse was divided into the
foure elements, wonderfully separated and rectified, through which separation,
divers things were created: so likewise may divers things bee made by ordering
our worke, through the separation of the divers elements from divers bodies.
Here shal be wonderfull adaptations, that is, If thou shalt separate the
elements, there shall be admirable compositions, fitte for our worke in the
composition of our Stone, by the elements rectified: Whereof, to wit, of which
wonderfull things fit for this: the meanes, to wit, to proceede by, is
Chapter XII.
An enigmaticall insinuation what the matter of the Stone
shoulde be.
Therefore I am called Hermes Trismegistus. Now
that he hath declared the composition of the Stone, he teacheth us after a
secret maner, whereof the Stone is made: first naming himselfe, to the ende that
his schollers (who should hereafter attaine to this science) might have his name
in continuall remembrance: and then hee toucheth the matter saying: Having
three parts of the Philosophie of the whole world: because that whatsoever
is in the worlde, having matter and forme, is compounded of the foure Elements:
hence is it, that there are so infinite parts of the world, all which he
divideth into three principall partes, Minerall, Vegetable, and Animall: of
which jointly, or severally, hee had the true knowledge in the worke of the
Sunne: for which cause he saith, Having three parts of the Philosophie of the
whole world, which parts are contained in one Stone, to wit, Philosophers
Chapter XIII.
Why the Stone is said to be perfect.
For this
cause is the Stone saide to be perfect, because it hath in it the nature of
Minerals, Vegetables, and Animals: for the stone is three, and one having foure
natures, to wit, the foure elements, & three colours, black, white and red.
It is also called a graine of corne, which if it die not, remaineth without
fruit: but if it doo die (as is above said) when it is ioyned in coniunction, it
bringeth forth much fruite, the aforenamed operations being accomplished. Thus
curteous reader, if thou know the operation of the Stone, I have told thee the
truth: but if thou art ignorant thereof, I have said nothing. That which I
have spoken of the operation of the Sunne is finished: that is, that which
hath beene spoken of the operation of the stone, of the three colours, and foure
natures, existing and being in one onely thing, namely in the Philosophers
Mercurie, is fulfilled.
Here endeth the Commentarie of Hortulanus, uppon
the Smaragdine table of Hermes, the father of Philosophers.
Next: The Stone
of the Philosophers by Edward Kelly