Il-In upper Egypt:
Badarian region (Hemamieh site) 6050 + 300 BP
now regarded as the earliest manifestation of farming communities in Egypt.
The above mentioned sites were cleared that the earliest agriculture in Egypt was started at Nile Valley which owes its existence to the alluvial deposits (El-Hadidi and Kosinova' 1971). Ancient inhabitant's in the Nile valley was considered the year as three seasons based on crop processing:
1-Flooding season "Akhet" started from mid June to mid October.
season "Brt" meaning the reappearance of land again after flooding season or the
seed appearance. It started from mid October to the end of
3-Harvesting season "Shmo" meaning the summer season started from
February to July.
1 -Ploughing:
The cultivated land was subjected to an efficient
mouldboard plough by wooden axe"Ti" tomb Saqqara; Fifith Dynasty; Old Kingdom.
Cereal grains were hand-sown; goats walked over the sowed
area to press the grains down into the soil away from the birds. "Ti" tomb
Saqqara; Fifith Dynasty; Old Kingdom.
Cereal crops were harvested by sicklereaplng using
glazed wooden sickles. "Meri Roka" tomb Six Dynasty, Saqqara; Old Kingdom.
The reaped cereals were collected in bundles and
carried on donkeys to an open dry-area to avoid grain and straw spoilage.
'Tibba" tomb 18 th Dynasty; flew kingdom. "Shik Sahid" tombs area: Old Kingdom.
In the dry Egyptian summer the parched cereal crop was
spread and trampled by donkeys hooves. Donkeys were used in the Old Kingdom.
While cows were used in the Middle Kingdom. The process involve the
fragmentation of spikelets and straw producing crop grains, light chaff.
Threshing by donkeys in Old Kingdom.
The process occurred by using simple wooden forks. It
was convenient to eliminate the light chaff and straw from the crop grains. The
process was done by women as depicted on "Neket" tomb 18 th Dynasty; New
The process was done by coarse riddle sieves made from
palm leaves or reeds. Sieving separate the crop grains from longer chaff and
larger weed seeds or grains.
The pure crop was stored in muddy bins until its
consumption. "Helwan" area First Dynasty, Old Kingdom.
El -Hadidi, M.N. and Kosinova'. J. (1971) Studies on
the weed flora of cultivated 3671and in Egypt 1. Preliminary survey. Mitt . bot
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Hassan, F.A.(1985) A radiocarbon chrology of
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Archaeological Review, 3:95-116.
Nazir, W. (1970) Plants in Ancient Egypt.
:42-82! Egyptian printing co. ( in Arabic).
Wetterstrom, W. (1993) Foraging
and farming in Egypt: the transition from hunting and gathernig into
horticulture in the Nile Vallely: in The Archaeology of Africa: Food metals and
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