Nuclear Weapons At Sea
Effects Calculator

Originally Written by Mike Wong: 2003-04-24
Revised/Expanded by Ryan Crierie: 2009-04-14
Modified to show Nukes at Sea by Ryan Crierie 2009-08-31

This page will calculate blast effects for nuclear weapons of arbitrary yield, initated in deep water at fairly significant (1,000+ ft) depths based off data found in the Effects of Nuclear Weapons

Yield (kilotons)


2,500 PSI Radius
2,000 PSI Radius
1,500 PSI Radius
1,000 PSI Radius
900 PSI Radius
800 PSI Radius
700 PSI Radius
600 PSI Radius
500 PSI Radius
400 PSI Radius
200 PSI Radius
100 PSI Radius
50 PSI Radius