are 361 buttons in the display and each one is linked to a picture.
The resulting picture is linked to a graphical image which in
turn is linked to another picture in a closed circle of 722
images. Additionally, on the top left corner of the resulting
image a small yellow square is displayed, with either a yin
or a yang line and each of them is linked to one of the 722
pictures; these too are linked in a closed circle which will
display the images in a diverse sequence. Hence there are thousands
of unique combinations which can be interpreted as situations.
Clearly, the interpretation of any given
sequence is strictly subjective. Alternatively, keeping
track of the displayed lines (yang or yin) you may refer to
the I Ching either as a wisdom book or a divination tool, since
each three clicks will return a trigram, or an exagram every
six clicks. Concerning the I Ching, text and related essential
information, see the links on the left side of the display.
. 38°56'13.59"E
Most of the graphic images have been obtained
with Tierazon, a small wonderful executable [ download
] which runs on all Windows and Linux platforms.