From: "Jefferson Heritage" To: Subject: [BULK] MESSAGE FROM DEUTSCHE BANK AMSTERDAM TO Franco DellOro Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:35 AM Date:22nd November, 2005. Deutsche Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Attention:Winner. This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email, and to confirm the validity of the winning of South Australia Lotteries. The sum of Euros 1,000,000 (One Million EUROS) has been approved to be remitted to you as the winner of the last GreenCasinos & Maurilyn Lotteries. However, before your funds can be remitted to you,it’s important to inform you that your funds are currently domiciled in the Automated suspense account(ASA) of the Central Bank of The Netherlands. For now, your funds will remain in the Automated Suspense account of the Central Bank until you open a new account with us to receive your funds from the Automated Suspense Account (ASA) of the central bank. This is because funds domiciled in Automated Suspense Account cannot be transferred nor used until the holding bank (Deutsche Bank in this instance) formally opens a new account received the funds from the Automated Suspense account. For this reason therefore,we are advising you to open a new account with us so that your cash prize ($1,000,000.00) can be transferred from the central bank's account into it,for onward transfer to you; transferred into any account of your choice in your country. This measure is a new fiscal regulation/law of the Central Bank of Netherlands and European Central Bank. Its relevance is derived from the global fight against terrorism and its funding. ACCOUNT OPTIONS: We have two options: the 'Checking account' and the 'Savings account'. The flexibility of the Checking account is that, you can transfer your cash prize (Euros 1,000,000.00) from here to your local bank account in your country at a transfer charge of 1.711%, while the savings account gives you a more flexible service of a transfer charge of 0.18%. Note: these transfer charges will be deducted from your cash prize ($1,000,000.00) before the balance will be remitted into your local bank account in your country. But first, you must open one of the above named accounts to facilitate the transfer of your funds from the central bank's automated suspense account (ASA) into it, before the transfer charges will be deducted from it for onward remittance of the balance to your account in your country. To proceed with this transaction therefore, you need to inform us of your choice of account so that we can furnish you with the basic requirements: Minimum Initial Deposit (minimum opening balance) and the cost of logistics needed for the release of your cash prize from the Central Bank account into your new account. At your request, we will send you the new account opening forms and other details needed for the opening of the new account. Thanks in advance for banking with us. Yours sincerely, Mr. Adrian Lawson. FOR: Mrs Helena Van Der Linden. Director: Private Banking/Foreign Remittance. Deutsche Bank AG, Herengracht 450 1017CA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel: (+3164) 930 3999. Fax: (+3184) 757 2160.