From: "Mrs Hajia Zuba" To: Subject: Mrs Hajia Zuba Date: Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:37 AM Dear Sir, My name is Mrs Hajia Zuba, a Zimbabwean citizen presently on refuge in Ghana. I have contacted you because I need a reliable but obscure individual whom I can trust to invest fund totaling US$10.5m (TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDREND THOUSAND U.S DOLLARS) on behalf of my family. My late housband Mr. Peter zuba was murdered by suspected President Robert Mugabe and his ruling partys Zanu PF militants, in Shamva, Zimbabwe on the 24th April 2001. My late housbad was formerly a member of the ruling party ZANU PF and a close confidant of Robert Mugabe without holding any prominent office though. Because of the reform and the need for change in the political system of Zimbabwe my housband was among those who wanted Robert Mugabe to live power which resulted to his living the party to join the opposition party, MOVEMENT FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE in early 1999 until he met his death in the year 2001. Between the years 1994 and 2000 my housband acquired this huge amount of money. After the death of my housband all that we had were seized by Robert Mugabe and his party goons but I succeeded to move and lodged the amount US$10.5 Million via security company in ADIBJAN-COTE D,IVORE. Since, I our arrival (Myself and my family) in Ghana in 2002 as political refugees I have had no reason to touch or spend from the money in the security company until now i wish to invest the fund abroad in any area you deem PROFITABLE. I and my family members do not wish to bring back any of the fund to Africa where all that we had were seized by Robert Mugabe and his party goo! ns hence I will prefer that the fund is invested in a stable economy abroad especially as the Ghanian government prohibits foreigners to lodge funds of this magnitude in their banks. For this project to proceed, I require you to furnish me with your complete names, address and direct Tel and Fax numbers respectively. After having voice contact with you on the phone I shall consider and further information to you of the percentage We shall begiving you for your support in this Project. Please endeavor to observe the required level of confidentiality in this Project as we prefer to continue to live in peace and obscurity since we managed to live Zimbabwe alive late last (2002). At least I require this assurance for our peace of mind. Best wishes, Mrs Hajia.