By Tim
Thursday 12 May 2005
the Republicans are as good as their word, it's
going to be much uglier than you think.
Out there in America, it's a
story. The latest Gallup Poll reveals that only 35 percent of
the country
admits to following the filibuster fight closely - more than
will fess
up to watching the Michael Jackson trial closely, but a little
than the percentage who claimed to be paying attention to the
in Kosovo in 1999.
So if you haven't been giving your
undivided attention to Priscilla Owen, Abe Fortas - he's dead,
but he
plays into this - and the intricacies of Senate Rule XXII, you
can feel
proud that you're right in the middle of the American
mainstream. But
now it's time to pay attention. A vote on Frist's "nuclear
option" may
come as early as next week, and we're here to help you get up
to speed.
Call it a primer on the judicial
process. Call it what you get when you spend way too much time
Riddick's Senate Procedure. Just don't call it the "nuclear
- at least not when Bill Frist is around to correct you. The
majority leader doesn't want his plan to sound so explosive,
but be
forewarned: Unless somebody blinks first, we're in for a
set of unprecedented Senate maneuvers that could put Dick
Cheney in
charge of deeming the filibuster "unconstitutional" - without a
from those folks in black robes across the street - and grease
the way
for each and every right-wing extremist George W. Bush ever
cares to
put on a district court, an appellate court or the U.S.
Supreme Court.
OK, let's begin at the beginning.
What's the "nuclear option"?
It's Frist's plan to change the
Rules of the Senate in order to prohibit Democrats from using
the filibuster
to block votes on Bush's judicial nominees. Under the current
senators in the minority can indefinitely delay a floor vote
on judges
- or on just about anything else, for that matter - by
engaging in extended
The Senate's rules have allowed
debate, or filibusters, since 1806, when senators dropped a
rule that
allowed a majority of the Senate to put an end to discussion
and call
for a vote. For the next 111 years, there was no way to stop a
once it had started. But in 1917, when filibusters were
blocking Woodrow
Wilson's plans for World War I, the Senate adopted Rule XXII,
allowed senators to end a filibuster by a two-thirds vote on a
to cut off debate - a procedure called "cloture." In 1975, the
amended Rule XXII so that cloture required, in most cases, the
of not two-thirds but rather three-fifths of the senators
present. In
today's 50-state, 100-member Senate, that means it takes 60
rather than
67 senators to put an end to most filibusters.
With the nuclear option, Frist and
his supporters would effectively change that rule so that
on judicial nominees could be cut off by a simple majority
Why is it called the "nuclear
The Republicans don't call it the
option" - well, at least they try not to call it that anymore.
Lott, who is a Republican if there ever was one, was the first
to come
up with the term, a recognition that killing the filibuster
would be
an explosive move in the Senate - a body that has always
prided itself
as a place that cools the passions of the House of
Representatives and
keeps an eye out for the rights of the minority. The name
stuck, and
Republicans used it frequently.
But at some point along the line,
usually masterful GOP message mavens figured out that a
"nuclear" option
didn't sound very appealing. So Frist began correcting
reporters who
used the term, urging them to use the more palatable
option" instead.
The tactic has worked. As Media
has noted, reporters now frequently say that the "nuclear
option" is
what "Democrats call" the attempt to kill off the filibuster.
And NBC's
Chip Reid got himself so spun around the other day that he
said that
the "nuclear option" refers to the steps Democrats might take
to retaliate
if Republicans kill the filibuster. Frist spins things a
different way
still: He says the "nuclear option" is what the Democrats "did
to me
last year when they changed the precedent" on the handling of
What did the Democrats do to Bill
Frist is upset that Democrats have
used the filibuster to block a handful of Bush's judicial
Democrats have allowed 205 of Bush's judicial nominees to be
but they have used the filibuster - or, more accurately, the
of the filibuster - to prevent floor votes on 10 others. Bush
all 10 of the nominees who were stalled in the last session of
the chance to be nominated again. Seven accepted, Bush
renominated them,
and Democrats have indicated that, except as some kind of
on the nuclear option, they'll block them again this session.
Democrats have allowed 205 to be
confirmed and now are blocking only seven? That's not so bad,
is it?
No, it isn't. According to an
by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, Bill
Clinton nominated
443 judges to U.S. district and appellate courts, and only 372
of those
nominees were confirmed. George H.W. Bush got only 192 of his
242 nominees
confirmed. Ronald Reagan went 375 for 403.
President Bush's numbers look pretty
good by comparison. But the Republicans say those are the
wrong numbers
to consider, that one should consider the confirmation rate
only for
the judges that Bush has nominated to the U.S. Court of
Appeals, the
level of the federal judiciary one step above the district
courts and
one step below the Supreme Court.
So let's look at those numbers. Bush
has nominated 52 judges to appellate courts, and the Senate
has confirmed
35 of them. (Democrats used the filibuster or the threat of
to block 10, and seven other nominations were returned to the
House for other reasons.) How does that compare with, say,
record? It's almost identical. In his second term, Clinton
51 appellate court judges. The Republican-controlled Senate
35 of them. Overall, the Congressional Research Service says
that Clinton
went 65 for 91 on nominees to appellate courts - a .714
batting average
that's not a whole lot different from Bush's .673. And Bush
would actually
out-hit Clinton if Frist and other Republicans accepted a
nuclear option-averting
compromise plan now under discussion on Capitol Hill.
But there must be something
in the way that the Democrats are blocking Bush's nominees,
right? The
Republicans say that what the Democrats are doing is
Oh, yes they do. Just the other day
on Fox News, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, the former chairman of the
Judiciary Committee, proclaimed: "We've never had a filibuster
of judges
in the history of this country." In a myth vs. fact sheet, the
National Committee says that "having to overcome a filibuster
(or obtaining
60 votes) on judicial nominees is unprecedented."
But that's not a fact. In 1968,
led a filibuster against Lyndon Johnson's nomination of Abe
Fortas as
chief justice. And that isn't the only Republican attempt to
a judicial nominee in recent history. During the Clinton
years, the
Congressional Research Service says, Democrats were forced to
cloture motions on six judicial nominees. While the existence
of a cloture
motion doesn't always mean that a filibuster is in effect, in
at least
some instances it has meant just that: In 2000, Frist himself
to support a filibuster against Richard Paez, Clinton's
nominee to the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
What do Frist and the GOP say
They've become more and more
about what it is they're calling "unprecedented." Now, instead
of saying
that filibusters are unprecedented, Frist says that a judicial
"with majority support" has "never been denied" an up-or-down
That formulation is closer to accurate, but it's still not
quite there.
Paez had "majority support," but Frist and other Republicans
tried to
filibuster his confirmation anyway.
What gives? Frist would say that the
Republicans didn't succeed in blocking the Paez nomination, so
efforts shouldn't count against them. It's a sin to succeed in
a nomination by filibuster, Republicans say. But trying to
block a nomination
by filibuster - as Republicans did repeatedly during the
Clinton years?
That doesn't count, and to say otherwise would be, in the
words of the
conservative Committee for Justice, "Orwellian."
Isn't that a little like an
murderer lording his morality over a murderer who actually
You said it, not me.
Do all Senate Republicans go in
for this way of thinking?
Not all of them. Arizona Sen. John
McCain and Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee have already said
that they'll
vote against the nuclear option, and there are at least six
other Republicans
who could go either way. Over the weekend, Nebraska Sen. Chuck
seemed to be saying he wouldn't go nuclear, explaining that
"hands aren't clean" on judicial nominees, either.
Does that mean Republicans didn't
always provide up-or-down votes on Clinton's judicial
That's right, they didn't. As Hagel
noted, Republicans prevented approximately 60 of Clinton's
nominees from ever getting a hearing from the Senate Judiciary
They didn't have to use filibusters to block floor votes on
the nominees
because they never let them get that far in the first place.
Why can't Democrats do the same
thing to Bush's nominees?
In large part because Hatch changed
the rules of the Judiciary Committee. When Clinton was
president and
Hatch controlled the committee, a judicial nomination could be
put on
permanent hold if a single senator from the nominee's home
state objected
to its going forward. But in 2003, Hatch changed the rules to
make it
harder for a single Democrat to block a Bush nominee. Under
new formulation, "blue slips" couldn't stop a nomination
unless both
senators from the nominee's home state submitted one - and he
on whether he should consider himself bound by the "blue
slips" at all.
Now Arlen Specter is the chairman of
the Senate Judiciary Committee, and he has started to move
some of the
stalled nominees through the committee so that they'll be teed
up for
floor votes - or at least for filibusters over floor votes.
And unless
somebody blinks before then, that means the nuclear option
could come
to a head as early as next week.
But aren't there rules about
the rules in the middle of the game?
Yes, there are. Senators may amend
the Standing Rules of the Senate by a simple majority vote.
But - and
you saw this coming, didn't you? - proposals to change the
rules are subject to filibuster, too. So if Republicans simply
the rules about changing the rules, and if Democrats
filibustered the
rule change, as they surely would, then Republicans would need
to cobble
together enough votes to prevail on a cloture motion.
That's 60, right?
Well, no. While it takes
of the Senate, or 60 votes, to cut off debate on most things,
the Senate
has previously recognized that changing the rules of the game
require something more. Thus, Senate Rule XXII says that
debate on a
"a measure or motion to amend the Senate rules" can't be cut
off without
an "affirmative vote" from "two-thirds of the Senators present
and voting."
That means that Frist would need 67 votes to cut off debate on
a change
in the Senate's rules. With only 55 Republicans in the Senate,
and at
least two of them unequivocally opposed to the nuclear option,
can't possibly get 60 votes to change the Senate's rules, let
the 67 that Rule XXII requires.
Is that the end of it, then?
Well, it would be if Frist and the
Republicans who are with him on this were inclined to follow
the Standing
Rules of the Senate. But they're not.
So how will Frist go nuclear?
It's hard to say for sure. As the
Research Service says, "Exactly because the point of a
'nuclear' or
'constitutional' option is to achieve changes in Senate
procedure by
using means that lie outside the Senate's normal rules of
it would be impossible to list all the different permutations
such maneuvers
could encompass." But here's how the Congressional Research
and interest groups on both sides say that it could work.
First, Frist brings one of the
judicial nominees to the Senate floor for an up-or-down vote.
The Democrats
filibuster. The Republicans try to cut off debate through a
motion brought under Rule XXII, which requires the support of
60 senators.
The cloture motion fails. At that point, the Congressional
Service says, one of at least two things could happen.
In the first variation, the man
over the Senate at that moment, probably Vice President Dick
or Senate President Pro Tempore Ted Stevens, could declare
unconstitutional and rule that, when it comes to judicial
debate can be cut off by a simple majority vote. Democrats
could appeal
that ruling, which would then set off another round of
But a Republican senator could move to table the appeal - a
move that's
not subject to filibuster - and then Republicans could vote by
a simple
majority to do so. That would effectively dismiss the appeal,
the ruling from the presiding officer to stand. Rule XXII
would be declared
unconstitutional, and the majority could end debate on any
nominee with a simple majority vote.
In the second variation - and this
part is required reading only for the Robert's Rules of Order
among us - a Republican senator, fresh off the loss on the
initial cloture
motion, could raise a point of order arguing that the
requirement of
a three-fifths vote to cut off debate on judicial nominees is
The presiding officer could submit that question to the full
for a vote. Under the Standing Rules, that vote would be
subject to
a filibuster, too. But the presiding officer could simply
declare that
it wasn't. That would lead, as in the first variation, to
another appeal,
another tabling motion, and then another simple majority vote
on the
question whether Rule XXII is unconstitutional.
In either variation, the end result
is that Frist - with 50 Republican votes and a tiebreaker from
- could get the Senate to declare that the usual cloture rule
is unconstitutional
when it comes to judicial nominees. All nominees could
henceforth be
confirmed with simple majority votes - i.e., with the support
of Cheney
and just 50 of the Senate's 55 Republicans.
Wait a minute. Cheney gets to
unconstitutional - a power usually left to the courts - a rule
of the
Senate, the authority for which is vested in the Senate, to
get the
president's judicial nominees through Congress? What about the
of powers?
You catch on quick. As McCain has
"It's not called 'nuclear' for nothing."
But can they really do that? Can
Frist and the Republicans who support him just change the
rules of the
Senate in the middle of the game?
Yes and no. Yes, they can; and no,
they can't without breaking Senate precedent. As the
Congressional Research
Service explains, each of the variations set forth above
"would require
that one or more of the Senate's precedents be overturned or
otherwise than in the past."
In the first variation, the
officer - Cheney or Stevens - would take it upon himself to
Rule XXII unconstitutional. Riddick's, considered the bible of
procedure, has this to say about that: "Under the precedents
of the
Senate, the presiding officer has no authority to pass upon a
question, but must submit it to the Senate for its decision."
By unilaterally
deeming Rule XXII unconstitutional, Cheney or Stevens would be
that precedent.
If the presiding officer chose the
second variation instead - that is, if he submitted the
question of
the constitutionality of Rule XXII to the full Senate for a
vote - the
Congressional Research Service says he'd still have to break
with Senate
precedent by declaring that the question isn't subject to
debate and
therefore isn't subject to a filibuster by the Democrats.
But forget the procedural stuff
for a minute. Is Rule XXII - or what the Democrats are doing
with it
- really unconstitutional?
That's a hard case to make - and one
that no federal court is likely to touch. Frist argues that
the Framers
"concluded that the president should have the power" to
appoint judges
"and the Senate should confirm or reject appointments by a
simple majority
vote." But the Constitution doesn't say that exactly. Article
II, Section
2, Clause 2 says only that the president shall nominate judges
"by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate."
The right argues that the "simple
requirement should be read into that provision of the
Constitution by
reverse implication: The Constitution explicitly requires
votes in only a few situations, including the ratification of
the overriding of vetoes, the approval of constitutional
and the expulsion of a member of Congress; because the
doesn't say anything about a two-thirds majority when it comes
to judges,
the right argues, it must require that judges be confirmed by a
majority vote.
Democrats, on the other hand, cite
Article I, Section 5, Clause 2 of the Constitution, which
grants each
house of Congress the right to "determine the rules of its
Under that provision, the Senate could make decisions on
judges by rochambeau
if 50 senators voted to make that the rule and 67 senators
were around
to kill off the filibuster that would follow.
In the end, however, the question of
the filibuster's constitutionality is pretty academic. A
federal court
is unlikely to rule on the legality of the Senate's procedural
both because courts generally refrain from making such
decisions under
what's called the "political question doctrine" and because
the Constitution
expressly leaves the right to "determine the rules" of
Congress to Congress
- which is to say, not to the federal courts.
But even if it's not
isn't the filibuster a little undemocratic?
Fair point. If democracy is all
the will of the majority, then the filibuster is undemocratic
it thwarts the majority's will. But the Senate isn't the most
of institutions, and it wasn't meant to be. Senators are like
everybody gets two, no matter how big or small you are. New
York gets
two senators, but so does Wyoming. Thus, as E.J. Dionne Jr.
has noted,
the 52 senators from the 26 least populous states "could
command a Senate
majority even though they represent only 18 percent of the
population." If "democratic" vs. "undemocratic" is the test in
the Senate,
we'll be waiting for Kansas to cough up its seats to
California. And
aren't the Democrats being just a little hypocritical now?
They sure
screamed when Republicans were holding up Clinton's judges.
Fair Point No. 2. As the Christian
Science Monitor recently put it, there isn't much "partisan
in how the filibuster has come to be viewed." You hate the
when you're in the majority; you love it when you're not.
Nineteen Democrats
tried to kill the filibuster in the mid-1990s, and fact sheets
Republican opposition researchers are overflowing with
quotations from
this Democrat or that expounding on the evil of the filibuster
it was a tool in the other side's hands. But the hypocrisy
game can
be played both ways: When Bill Clinton was president, Orrin
Hatch and
Bill Frist weren't exactly jumping up and down about each
right to an up-or-down vote on the Senate floor.
So how is this going to play out?
No one knows yet. A group of
in the middle are trying to work out a compromise: A handful
of Democrats
would agree to allow four of the seven stalled nominees to
come to an
up-or-down vote on the Senate floor and promise not to
filibuster future
nominees except in "extremely controversial" cases; in
exchange, a handful
of Republicans would promise to vote against the nuclear
option. But
the deal isn't done yet, and Frist appears to be unyielding:
There has
to be an up-or-down vote on every single Bush nominee or he's
Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader
Reid on Tuesday seemed to be calling Frist's bluff. While Reid
Frist to find a way around a nuclear showdown, he said: "I
want to be
clear: We are prepared for a vote on the nuclear option.
Democrats will
join responsible Republicans in a vote to uphold the
principles of checks and balances."
It sounds like Reid thinks Frist
doesn't have the votes.
Right. But that doesn't mean that
won't proceed anyway. He wants to run for president in 2008,
and he
wants the religious right at his side. People like Rush
Limbaugh are
now declaring that whether Republicans force a vote on the
nuclear option
- not whether they get more judges confirmed - should be a
litmus test
for the party faithful. So with the stars lined up like this,
Frist wins either way. If he calls for a vote on the nuclear
and wins, he will have brought home a victory for the
religious right.
If he calls for a vote and loses, he will have gone down
fighting. And
God knows, the religious right loves a martyr.

Tim Grieve is a senior writer for Salon based in San