Molly Ivins
Creators Syndicate
Wednesday 9 April 2003
AUSTIN, Texas - Oh good. It looks as though we're going to
have as big a fight over postwar plans for Iraq as we did over the war
itself. Just what we need, more of everybody being at everybody else's
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who seems prepared to run the world,
favors one Ahmed Chalabi of the Iraqi National Congress, an exile-emigre
group, as postwar leader (read figurehead-puppet). Chalabi is bitterly
opposed by both the State Department and the CIA.
According to Knight-Ridder's Jonathan Landay, American military planes
flew Chalabi and 700 troops, the newly named "First Battalion of Free
Iraqi Forces," into Nasiriyah Sunday to be integrated into Gen. Tommy
Franks' command. Landay reports, "Senior administration officials said
that Chalabi had had difficulty recruiting enough forces to go into
southern Iraq and may have tapped the discredited Badr Brigade, an Iranian-backed
Shiite Muslim group, to get his 700 soldiers." Think how happy the Iraqis
will be to see some detachment from their old enemy Iran.
Landay also reports, "It was information provided by Chalabi that led
Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz to a prewar belief that Iraqis would rise up
and welcome the invading coalition with open arms, that the Republican
Guard would surrender in droves and the government of Saddam Hussein
would crumble in a matter of days."
One hesitates to make sweeping generalizations, but anyone who has studied
the history of emigre groups knows the endless infighting and delusional
quality of the emigre culture. (See if you can think of an example.)
This gets better. Chalabi has been in exile for four decades and, in
1992, he was convicted on multiple counts of embezzlement of hundreds
of millions of dollars in Jordan after the failure of his bank there.
He was sentenced to 22 years in prison. He escaped from Jordan, reportedly
in the trunk of a car, and wound up in London. Dick Cheney is also a
Chalabi fan.
The Iraqi National Congress has received millions in American aid money,
but the accounting has been very poor (a familiar story) and quite a
bit of the money is unaccounted for. Chalabi favors Savile Row suits.
The Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz choice for "viceroy designate" of Iraq is Gen.
Jay Garner, head of the Pentagon's Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian
Assistance. Garner is a retired military man with links to both the
international arms industry and a Jewish lobby group. After retiring
from the Army, Garner became president of SY Coleman, a defense contractor
specializing in military defense technology. He is currently on leave
of absence from the company.
The problem of Garner's alleged Zionist sympathies is also causing talk:
He visited Israel as the guest of the Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs and signed a statement in October 2000 blaming the
Palestinian Authority for the violence after the collapse of peace talks
and praising the "remarkable restraint" of the Israeli army.
The third member of the triumvirate that Rumsfeld & Co. want to
run Iraq is former CIA chief James Woolsey, who said last week that
Iraq is the opening of the "Fourth World War" (counting the Cold War
as III) and that America's enemies include the religious rulers in Iran,
states like Syria and Islamic terrorist groups.
So, we've got a crook, a Zionist and an old spy who thinks this is the
beginning of WWIV set to run Iraq. How lucky can the Iraqis get? Is
this what we thought we were fighting for?
According to David Sanger's analysis in The New York Times, "Some hawks
in the administration are convinced that Iraq will serve as a cautionary
example of what can happen to other sates that refuse to abandon their
programs to build weapons of mass destruction, an argument that John
Bolton, the undersecretary of state for arms control, has made several
times in recent speeches."
The administration's more pragmatic wing fears that the war's lesson
will be just the opposite: that the best way to avoid American military
action is to build a fearsome arsenal quickly and make the cost of conflict
too high for Washington.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch ... Sen. Ted Stevens suggested last week
that New York City's cops and firefighters should work overtime without
pay as a wartime sacrifice. "I really feel strongly that we ought to
find some way to convince the people that there ought to be some volunteerism
at home. Those people overseas in the desert - they're not getting overtime.
... I don't know why the people working for the cities and counties
ought to be paid overtime when they're responding to matters of national
Stevens, R-Alaska, had just voted for tax cuts that will give those
who make a million dollars a year $92,000 more to spend on polo ponies.
Some must sacrifice more than others. |